Shocking Revelations

Start from the beginning

He quickly catches himself as he walked over to them alongside Yasmina.

"Where is this lab?" Yasmina asked desperately.

Brooklynn was taken back for a second but she reached into her jacket and gave Yasmina a map.

Yasmina took it as she read the details.

"Near the raptor paddock." Brooklynn informed her.

Yasmina sighed deeply before handing the map to Brooklynn.

"Take care of Sammy until I get back." Yasmina said as she ran off, causing everyone to gasp.

Geleel ran after her as he grabbed her arm much to her dismay.

"Let go!" Yasmina shouted harshly.

"No way! I'm not letting you go back out there with that monster!" Geleel shouted as the others watched them.

Yasmina stopped relenting for a moment as she sighed.

"That antidote is the only thing that will help her, I need to do this." Yasmina said with a determined look.

Geleel returned the same look, but it eventually softened, he too knew they had no option.

"Fine then, let me come with yo-" Yasmina cuts him off.

"No! I don't want another person I care about to get hurt tonight, besides I'm the fastest here." Yasmina reminded him.

Geleel sighs deeply as he let her arm go.

He then takes his chain off, catching Yasmina off guard.

Geleel puts the chain around her neck as she looked at him with wide eyes.

"To protect you." Geleel said with a shaky tone.

"I don't have anything to give him." Yasmina mentally stated.

"This wa-mph!" Geleel did not know what hit him until he felt another pair of lips touch his.

His eyes widened in shock as he realized Yasmina had actually kissed him fully on the lips.

His eyes eventually closed as he sunk into the feeling of her lips on his.

The kiss lasted for about five seconds until Yasmina separated from him,  turned, and then ran off with a determined look.

"I didn't want it to be like this, Geleel, but I can't turn back now, I have to save Sammy." Yasmina mentally reminded herself as she disappeared into the forest.

Geleel still stood there, in complete and utterly shock, Yasmina had just kissed him...?

The others were in just as much shock as him as they all could not believe their eyes.

"That was insane, I mean I saw it coming, but still, woah." Kenji said in awe.

Geleel got over his stupor as he turned around and faced the group.

"We need to do something to help Yas, even if it's from a distance." Geleel announced, albeit a bit shaken up due to the kiss.

The others then got over their stupor aswell.

"This is nuts, she can't outrun that thing!" Ben shouted.

"We have to try." Brooklynn reprimanded.

"Okay, think, what do we know so far about this dinosaur?" Darius questioned.

"It's, straight up terrifying, it climbs, breathes like a pug with a cold, and it moves, weird." Kenji listed off as he began making growling noises and claw motions with his arms.

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