Shocking Revelations

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Sammy groaned in pain as her vision was still blurred and her head was ringing.

She was able to make out some of her friends running by frantically trying to help her.

"Somebody get some bandages!" Darius shouted.

"It's gonna be okay Sammy!" Kenji shouted as he ran away frantically.

Suddenly Yasmina runs up to Sammy as she shook her.

"Sammy? Sammy!" Yasmina yelled frantically.

"Yas!" Shouted the voice of Geleel as he rushed over to them with Brooklynn by his side.

Brooklynn had gauze in her arms to help suppress the wound.

"These quills are poisonous, we need to get them out of her, now." Geleel said with urgency evident in his tone.

Brooklynn and Yasmina looked at Sammy warily.

"It's okay, on the count of three." Geleel said as they grabbed the quills.

"This is gonna hurt, I'm sorry." Yasmina apologized to Sammy in advance.

"One, two, three!" Geleel exclaimed as they ripped the quills out of Sammy swiftly causing her to shriek in pain.

"Sammy? Sammy!" Yasmina's cries were nothing but faint echos now as Sammy saw nothing but darkness, she had fully blacked out now.

After a bit, they had got Sammy's unconscious form out of the rain and in the shade.

The other campers watched as Yasmina and Geleel sat near Sammy.

Yasmina held her hand as Geleel held onto the emotional Yasmina firmly.

Kenji had moved away from the group, he did not want them to see him cry.

"Please be okay, Sammy." Kenji mentally stated as a silent tear fell.

Sammy's body had took on a sickening color as she almost appeared to be green.

She shook violently and shivered in her sleep as her face scrunched up in agony.

Yasmina and Geleel could not stand seeing their friend like this.

For Kenji it was even worse, seeing the girl he had the biggest crush on like this was heart wrenching.

"Sammy I'm her- We're here, everything's gonna be okay." Yasmina said trying to keep hope.

Geleel looked at Sammy's body with a saddened expression.

He then turns to the others with a determined look.

"We have to do something, quick, I don't think she'll survi-" Geleel cuts himself off as he looked at the sobbing Yasmina, he did not want to say those words, atleast not in her presence.

Darius turned to Brooklynn and Ben with a saddened expression.

"Taking out the quills wasn't enough, the poison's already in her system, she needs an antidote." Darius said urgently.

"Ha, yea sure, an antidote, that will be a quick find, since nobody has ever seen this thing before." Ben said in annoyance.

Suddenly Brooklynn gasps as they turn their attention to her.

"The video in Wu's old lab! Wu was attacked by the Scorpious, and they were giving him this shot from a red vial." Brooklynn began.

This news causes Yasmina to gasp as she shot up swiftly causing Geleel to almost lose his balance.

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