Ch.8-Ideas (Part 2)

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WARNING! This is an extra-fast update. There are two parts to ideas on how to make Ace float, both posted within a 2-day timeframe! If you have missed stuff such as Ace using crutches, you have missed chapter 7!

You can all thank 'Jasmine' ( for another update, she used the weekend vote for this same story haha. And since no one else voted, it wins! So as promised a weekend update, by vote, of Fiery scales. And I have no idea what happened here, but the chapter got super long for me and not even so many things happen!


I am differentiating between the bubbles seen on fishman island and the bubbles seen on Sabaody Archipelago. I've read the wiki pages of it, and it is unclear if it is the same substance, but I would think that they are at least slightly different. This because those on fishman island are produced out of corals, and those from Sabaody Archipelago are produced from resin made up of those big Yarukiman Mangrove trees.

In the end, King Neptune hadn't been too difficult to get a hold of. They did protect their island so the man was happy to speak with them when they called. What they asked for though... it had taken awhile for them to convince the man to send some over, the stuff also being a luxury for their own kind and not widely available.

With some persuasion, especially from the former inhabitant Namur himself, the king finally relented and sent them two bubbly corrals. And as a bonus, and some kind of apology for not being able to help more even though they protect them, he had given them a location where this special species of coral grew, but where it was in a too dangerous part of the ocean for them to harvest themselves. So if this worked, they could figure out a plan to get more when they were close to fishman-island.

Between the call, the discussions, and the arrival of the items, it had been around 1 month. Thus, they were already a third into their given time-frame and they still hadn't been able to get a hold of Rayleigh. They had been able to contact Shakky and give her the message of what they wanted, but the man himself hadn't been at the bar in some time and even Shakky didn't know when he would return. Hopefully it would be soon because with the distance between them, the time it would take for them to just get the items would already be some weeks....

But well, with the items from Neptune now in front of them, they were all once again gathered on the deck to start some testing.

Bubbly corral

"Alright-yoi, let's try these out shall we."

Marco stepped forward and grabbed one of the two pieces of pink coral laying on a barrel.
"This" he started while showing the coral to Ace, "is a bubbly corral. Some species of fishman from Fishman-island use this to be able to float in their cities."

"Home Nay-nay?"

"Yes, they're from Namur's home, he asked the king for them." The mer still called Namur 'Nay-Nay', Marco didn't know if it was because Ace was still just avoiding all the R's or if he just got close to Namur, the fishman didn't seem to mind it, even seems to like it.... Marco was definitely not jealous some of his brother had gotten a nice nickname and he hadn't, absolutely not. And now he didn't think 'Mahko' was a nickname, it was just the mer not able to say his name, even if it was cute... HE WANTS A NICKNAME TOO DAMNIT!

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