=͟͟͞♡ 11

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˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ Blue Hour ▬

˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ Blue Hour ▬

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Daeun followed suit behind Soobin, quietly trekking closely to him as he made his way past a few silenced streets that were illuminated by the street light above.

The surroundings was quiet and perfectly scerene and both of them were indulged in the silence wholeheartedly.

"I think this spot should do. Here, sit." Soobin dusted off the bench that was sitting under a street light so that the girl could sit down. Daeun complied gleefully, holding the loads of ice cream in her hand as she watched him comfortably sit next to her as well.

"Which flavour would you like, Binnie?" The girl asked as her head was buried in the bag, rummaging through all the different flavours she picked out.

"B-Binnie?" The boy stuttered out shyly, eyes locking with hers only for a moment before he pried them away.

"Mhmm! Do you like it? Can I call you that? Short for Soobin. I think it's cute."

"Well if you think it's cute then of course you can call me that.." Soobin mumbled under his breath, hiding his flushed cheeks from the girl's observant eyes.

"Aw, really? Great! So what flavor would you like?" Daeun smiled brightly, gazing up at the male who couldn't properly hide the smile that was forming on his lips. Soobin couldn't understand why he was feeling a certain way towards the girl but the feeling wouldn't go away. Every time he looked at her he felt his insides heat up and his cheeks would just go hot so suddenly.

He found it so heartwarming when he saw her smile.

"Anything..but you should pick first! I'll choose whatever is left." The boy said calmly with a smile plastered on his face. He quietly shifted down so that he could be closer to her.

"Hmmm then I guess I'll take...the mint chocolate chip flavour. You can choose whatever. The Chocolate chip cookie dough ice cream is really good! I think you'd like that." Daeun suggested happily, digging in the bag for the said flavour to give the boy.

"I didn't think the city could be this peaceful at night..." Daeun sighed, gazing up at the twinkling stars that shone down upon the pair.

"It's beautiful as well. But not as beautiful as you are, Daeun." Soobin smiled fondly at the girl who just stared back at him in awe. She wasn't supposed to be feeling this way. She was supposed to be in pain, mourning over her dead sister and cat for the rest of her miserable life but this boy...this boy somehow took her mind of off everything.

All that plagued her mind at the time was one question.

Why? Why is he being so nice to me when he saw me at my lowest? Why, Soobin? Why? I can't help but think you have other plans in mind. How can I trust and love someone like the way I used to when I already know they'll end up leaving me in the very end?


Just why?


"Why? I don't get it..."

"Hmm? What's the matter?" The blue haired boy cooed out peacefully. He fixed all his attention on the girl who just stared at him wide-eyed, mind kindling with so many questions that make her overthink.

"Why are you so nice to me? We barely know each other...yet you treat me like someone so close to you. Are you not ashamed to be next to me? Don't you pity me? Pity me and my struggles...is that why you're nice to me? Because I'm pitiful?"

"Just answer me honestly...please."

Soobin's heart stopped upon hearing how shaky her voice sounded and the way the girl looked distressed. He just wanted to engulf her in warm hugs and never leave her side.

The boy was drawn to her. It was out of the ordinary, and Soobin was already out of the ordinary to begin with.

Soobin tuned his body to face Daeun, intertwining his fingers with hers as he gazed into her eyes that reeked nothing but emptiness. He wanted to change that. He wanted to see her happy. He wanted to be the one to make her happy. He didn't know why but his body and mind was drawn to her.

A low sigh left Soobin's parted lips that quivered unintentionally due to the chilly night's breeze. He didn't know how he was going to answer her question but he wanted to.

"I don't pity you, Daeun. I find it quite inspiring how truly strong you are. I want you to know that you deserve to be happy. Nothing was your fault and you tried your very best for the both of them. And there is no way I could ever be ashamed of you."

"Life just isn't all rainbows and unicorns and I'm sure you know that but...it's not always going to be a bitter hole of pain that sucks you dry of life."

"I hope I don't make you uncomfortable or anything but I like being friends with you...if that's what we are. And I definitely do not pity you. I just...want to see you happy. I want to see you smile."

"You look pretty when you smile."


𝐁𝐥𝐮𝐞 𝐇𝐨𝐮𝐫  ꗃ  Choi Soobin Where stories live. Discover now