Misunderstood - Hilmi Zulkarnain

Start from the beginning

School ended, you were about to walk home but stop after seeing the soccer team is now playing at the field. You always go there to cheer Hilmi since he is one of the player. You tightly grip on your bag strap and debating on whether to go there or not. In the end, you decided to take a quick glimpse at him and left afterward. You slowly walk toward the stadium and see his team play at the field. You look around to search for the jersey with no.7 on it and you found him.

"He have gotten better" you proudly smile for him.

Then you hears a girl shouting out his name. You turn your head at the stadium to see Erina passionately cheer for Hilmi while screaming his name. You watch as she try to gain his attention by cheerleading with her group of friend to cheer for his team. You saw how Hilmi gave her a nod with a small smile. That made your jealousy rise up until you saw her walk towards Hilmi after the game ended. Erina gave Hilmi a spare towel and a water bottle. Hilmi was about to take the towel from her but she didn't gave him, instead she wipe his sweaty face with the towel and the worse part is she hold his hand as if she is his girlfriend.

You had enough and stomp your way to them. Hilmi saw you and his eyes soften by your presence but notice how angry you look. You stand between them as Erina look down on you with a glare.

"May I help you?" She ask you with an attitude.
"Get your hand of him" you point at her hand holding onto Hilmi hand.
"Why would I? Hilmi and I are together. Right babe?" Erina smile at him.
"Since when?" Hilmi straightforwardly said that made Erina flustered.
"But...you said I can watch you play. Isn't that consider as a date?" Erina agitatedly ask.
"No" Hilmi replied her and pull his hand off her grip.
"Sorry to give you hope but he's taken" you sheepishly showed her a smile.
"WHAT? By who?!" Erina irritatedly frown.
"Me. Let's go babe" you proudly told her and pull Hilmi away from there after giving him his stuff.

After being far from there, you let go of your grip off his arm and turn around.
"Go change, first. I will wait for you here" you said , still not facing him.
"Okay" he replied softly.

The reason why you showed your back to him is because you want to hide the flustered on your face. You never knew you have the gut to declare half of the school that Hilmi is yours. Now the whole school will know about your relationship with Hilmi but it's depend if he still want to be with you.

After he change his clothes, now you and him are now sitting at the school bench under a big tree.
"Mind telling me what happened just now?" He ask, turning his head toward you.
"Nothing happen" you try to decline what just happened.
"Really? If I recall, you just declare that I'm yours and pull me away from there. I even heard that you called me babe, few minutes ago" he teasing said that made you cover your face with your palms.
"What have I done!!" You whine to yourself.
"Is it that bad that you don't want to show our relationship to others? Do I embarrass you?" He sadly ask you.
"No! That's not the reason why I want our relationship to be secret. Look, Hilmi..you hold a big position in our school. For crying out loud, you're the KP and I'm scared that it will ruined your image and student will look down on you. I don't want that to happen to you especially to the person I care the most." You explain to him.
"Thank you for having such thoughts but I can handle it so you don't need to be worry about it so much. I'm sorry to have you hold in such burden" he gently pat your head with a warm smile on his face.
"I kinda have a confession to make. I know that I told you that I don't get jealous easily. I lied and I'm sorry. I thought I can handle you being close with other girls but I just couldn't contain such feeling! It's pain for me to see how close you are with other girls. I'm fine when you're close with Jaja, Cath and Aaidaa since I know them. However, with other girls make me what to stick a note on your forehead and quote 'you're my boyfriend'. I know I'm being selfish and clingy but I just couldn't help feeling such a way to you. I hope you understand" you finally told him how you actually felt.
"Is that the reason why we fight that day?" He ask with a bit of surprise.
"Yes. It irritate me that you wouldn't notice how girls try to flirt with you by doing thing to gain your attention!!" You pout.
"So that was it?!" He question you.
"Yes." You nod.
"I thought I did something else that made you so mad at me!! You got me so scared for the whole 2 weeks. You made me wonder what I did wrong and that was it!!" He throw his arms in the air.
"Sorry?" You nervously apologize.
"I was scared you know. I was scared of losing you but at the same time was a bit angry at you" he cross his arms while staring at you.
"I'm sorry. I should have just explain it you" you look down with guilt.
"Yes, you should. If you did...we could have spend those 2 weeks together and yet we spend it on nothing" he disappointedly sigh.
"There will be another school holiday in few months. I will try my best to make it up to you" you suggest and he took a glimpse at you before reconsidering it.
"Okay, deal" you both pinkie sweat on it.

You both smile widely after solving the misunderstanding between you two. You and him are now walking home together like you two always do. While walking home, Hilmi tap on your shoulder that made you turn your head at him.
" I love you" he suddenly said that a made your face red brightly.
"Aren't you gonna reply back?" He pout, impatiently waiting for you to reply his love.
"I...I love you too" you shyly reply that made his heart melt.
"I know" he smiling widely at your cute reply.

Nadhir Nasar (IMAGINES/FANFIC)Where stories live. Discover now