"Mork, Pi," Un said as a greeting to the two younger guys in the front of him. They both put their hands in a praying position and bow their head slightly to the older man.

"P'Un," They said in unison.

"Please come in," Un stepped aside to let Mork and Pi inside his home. He close the door behind him and saw Nan now standing to greet his bestfriends.


"What's your relationship with P'Un?" Again, Mork with his straight to the point questions.

"We are living together as of the moment," Nan answered straight to his bestfriends face. Nan is not backing down from Mork's clear anger towards him.

"And?" Well, they talk like Un and Pi doesn't exist in the same room as them. Pi looked at Un and gave him an apologetic smile. He just smile and shrug because what else can he do? They are already at each others neck.

"Your point Mork?"

"Even if I point it out, it will still be pointless for you isn't it?"

"Exactly, so why attack me like this?"

"I am not attacking you Nan, I'm asking you questions that you don't give clear answers to," Mork is firm. Well, if they both know each other a long time now, he knows Nan's sides Un doesn't know.

"Really? You're going to do this right now?" Nan now moving closer to Mork. Un is about to say something when Pi stood in the middle of Mork and Nan.

"Stop this, you both are doing this in someone else's apartment, in the front of the apartment owner," Pi is calm. Did he witness this kind of conversation they had before? Pi successfully stopped the two from punching each other. But if their glare at each other could kill, they'd be dead on the spot.


Mork knows Un and Nan like each other. But as he thought, both won't say it to each others faces.

Un continue cooking dinner as the three of them sat in the living room.

"Do you like him Nan?" Mork asked as he watch Un's back while cooking. Muang Nan nod his head and sigh.

"I think I already pass by the like part," Nan admit, he wants more. Not just a silly like. He wants love.

"Then what's stopping you? It looks to me that he is just waiting for you to say something," Many things are stopping me, Nan thought. His family. His past. It's messy and crazy.

"Stop thinking, just go with your gut. If it fails, at lease you tried right? You can't just stay at each other's side with no clue where you stand,"

"I'm happy with what we have,"

"But is he happy though? Did you even think about how he feels in this situation? Sure, maybe as of the moment it's all good. But how about in the long run? When will you both talk about it?"

"I don't know where should I start,"

"Tell him your feelings first, let the other conversations comes out naturally once feelings are acknowledged,"

"When did you become a love guru?" Nan asked as he can't stop grinning at his bestfriend. The man got it bad for Pi. Muang Nan want what Mork and Pi have, he turns to look at Un, who is still busy around the kitchen.

Can they really have what he always crave for? The love of a person all for him? Is he selfish thinking about it? Is it selfish to want something for himself this time? Will he have the right person this time?

Pi grasped Nan's hand and gave him a warm smile. Pi's hand is warm. It made Nan smile thinking about his mother. She might not be the best one but at lease he saw her, try her best to take care of him.

"Be selfish, own the feelings that you have for him. I'll keep Sutthaya out of the way," Nan laugh, a genuine laugh. It's been ages since he laugh like that.

"You can try," Mork said chuckling. That isn't a joke, Mork is serious. Pi can try, but then again it will not be successful. Mork knows his boundaries but he'll never leave his bestfriend alone.

Nan smile and look at his hand. Is it really possible for him and Un to have what Mork and Pi have?

"When will you go home?" Mork finally asked his bestfriend. Nan stayed quiet.

"Maybe never," Mork understood why.


Un leave his apartment in Muang Nan and his friend's care. He is about to meet his group of friends who met Nan the day they watch movies at Un's place.

"Un!" Third wave his hand up in the air so that Un can see where they sit. Khai is already there of course. It's only the two of them in the table. Is he early?

"Drink," Khai said as Un sat in the opposite side of the table. Un took the beer glass of whiskey in the front of him.

"Soooo," Khai started, Third elbow his boyfriend. Khai, always noisy. Always investigating his friend's life.

"Is our life that boring that you have to always ask Un on what's happening in his life?" Third said glaring at his boyfriend. Khai gave him a cheeky smile and turn to look at Un again. He was about to say something again, so Un cut him off.

"Khai, yes he is still at my apartment. Yes, I met his bestfriends," Third giggle. The look on Un's face says it all. He is so done with Khai. Khai is a good friend just too invasive.

"What's your status then?" There it is, Khai's mouth with no stopper.

"Not sure,"

"But you live in together, sleep together, eat together, cook together, bath-"

"Okay, okay stop. I'm not sure okay. I want to talk to him soon before he decided to go back home," Khai nod in understanding.

"Did you talk to Two already?" Un's eyes snap up to Khai's eyes giving the man a questioning look.

"Why?" Un is really confuse. Why do he have to talk to Two?

"Nothing Un, he is just mumbling random thoughts," Third said as he grip Khai's thigh hard. A warning. Un frown. Why does it feel weird? Is there something he should know about?

"Is it about the play? Does he refuse to take photos again?" Un asked again.

"No, no. All is good nothing to worry about," Un just nod in agreement so the topic won't go futher. He really have a weird feeling about Khai's question.

Two doesn't really like him even as a person? It's true they didn't end up with each other but Un thought he and Two can be friends. But he guess not, the man dislikes him. Nothing really change.

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