Fuck it, maybe I should just ask him. I kept calling him it in my head and it would so much easier to say out loud. I mean we were exclusive. We had been officially for over a week and unofficially since we started talking and made our interest for one another clear. I spent almost every day going over to his or he would come to mine, and he'd walk me to class when he didn't have one to go to or I'd do the same for him.

The other day he'd bought me flowers, an early birthday gift he'd said but later admitted he'd just seen in the shops and wanted to get them for me. The next day I'd gone out and bought him a dozen roses. The look on his face was so sweet. I'd been given flowers before, not many times but a few times by the men who felt like they needed to get me something to make it justifiable to them that they could fuck someone underage by treating me as though I were an adult. But anyway, it meant when Roman bought me flowers, it had felt nice and sweet, because I knew he got them for me because he wanted to make me happy and for nothing in return, and I knew to try and find a vase to put them in. I'd put them on the windowsill in my room to wake up to every morning.

Roman however, didn't know what to do. So many girlfriends and he'd never been given flowers before. I could tell he was grateful, but he stared at the flowers like it was some unknown creature he had to figure out how to take care of. I asked Sofia if they had a vase and put the flowers in it for him when his mum brought one out for us. I let him pick where he wanted to put it and he looked so chuffed with himself when he put them on display in the windowsill of his room as well. A guy like Roman deserved more flowers, so I decided whenever I saw a nice bunch in the shops, I would buy it for him.

"Dahlia," I called when Roman went to get me a drink. This time I didn't mind that he was trying to pay because I was just glad that he'd gone away for a minute.

"What's up? Today's been fun right!" she said.

"Yeah, and it's not even over, but there's one thing I really wanna do now and I need you to tell me it's not a terrible idea," I said.

"What is it?" she asked concern adorning her features.

"I want to ask him to be my boyfriend. I know he might not say yes, and it might fuck everything up, but everything in my right now is telling me to ask him and I just need you to convince me that he'll say yes so that I don't pussy out. He'll say yes, right?" I asked desperate for her to convince me it will be fine. She opened her mouth but then her eye flitted behind me and I froze. This time, I couldn't get away with Roman not hearing.

"Yes," his voice said quietly next to my ear, his body pressed up against my back as he put a bottle of water in my hand. "Actually ask me properly, and my answer is yes."

So, I turned around and asked him and his answer was yes and suddenly Roman Kingsley was my boyfriend.

Of course, I kissed him, my boyfriend, afterwards. How could I not? His arms went around my hips, and he kissed me back. I could feel his smile against my own. And I didn't have a care in the world for anyone who might have stopped and stared. They could stare all they wanted. I was happy.

"Okay, okay. You promised I wouldn't have to third wheel too much. I'm happy for you guys but stop making out already," Dahlia said making us fall apart.

I threw her a quick sorry and so did Roman and then we went around and redid some games we'd already tried as we waited for the right time to go and get an early dinner.

When it was time to leave, I noticed Roman, my boyfriend - I can't believe he was really officially mine - staring at a couple girls a few cars over. At first, I was worried he was staring because he found them attractive and had immediately realised that he wasn't actually into me and regretted the whole boyfriend thing, until I realised how frustrated he looked.

"Do you know them?" I asked confused.

"Oh, yeah, they used to be my friends," he said.

"Some of the ones that stopped being your friends recently?" I questioned.


Now I was staring at them too but more angry, than frustrated. I hated how they could have hurt Roman they way they had, even if I didn't know the full story. They'd hurt my Roman and that made me so mad.

"I really wanna ask them what the fuck," I said.

"Don't! Don't talk to them okay. Just... just don't want it to become a thing again. Let's just go get dinner okay," he said.

"I second that. I'm starving," Dahlia said from where she stood at the yellow Fiat 500's open door. She gave me a look and I knew she meant for me to leave it alone, so I did. I didn't want to cause Roman any grief.

So, we got in the car, and I held onto my boyfriend's thigh as we drove right past some of the people that had hurt him, and I wondered if they could feel my death glares aiming straight at them.


I love just writing them hanging out lol

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