Chapter 16 ~ Black Dress Girl

Start from the beginning

"Apologize if you want to live!" She demanded. Why I should? I didn't do anything though. Min-Jun said, "Asher! Apologize to her! What you done to her is wrong."

She crossed her hands in chest and was sitting casually like nothing is going to happen. She said, "I will not touch the stearing until you apologize!" I was clenching my fists in anger. I decided to apologise only because I and Min-Jun want to live and find rose.

I will not ever forgive this girl for this! I said, "well!! Please start the car!" She was still sitting in the same position with her eyes closed and said, "I didn't hear any apology..!"

The car was shaking badly because of the zombies trying to get in and make us their bait. Min-Jun said, "apologize! Please! You don't want to die right!" Yeah I should apologize.. I don't want to die!

I was gritting my teeth and said, "well! I apologize! I'm so sorry for taking like that to you. I will never ever talk like that to you!" She finally lifted her hands upto stearing and started the car. She said, "put on the seatbelt!" We did as she said and was looking at her to start the car.

She started the car at very high speed hitting all the Zombie on the way. Poor zombies! I felt pity for the zombies because of the way she looks them. She's a monster.

She finally took the car out of that zombie crowd and started driving smoothly. She said to me, "you didn't apologize me from your heart. You did just to save yourself. Didn't you!" The fact that she was speaking smoothly in a gentle voice.

I said, "umm.. but I apologized. Don't do anything mad like stopping the car inbetween the zombies. We almost died!"

She looked at me with a rude eyes and said, "I didn't say I accepted your apology. Also you didn't apologize for many more things.." what! I don't want to give up this time!

I yelled at her with my clenching jaw, "what! Many more? I saw you just 10 minutes before." She stared at me again and focused on driving. She hit all the zombies in the way without hesitation or second thought.

That's not good. What if she kills us alike Zombies. Her attitude is really scary. Min-Jun asked, "girl! What's your name?" She said, "umm.. my name is..." Me and Min-Jun both looked at her confused. She's answering Min-Jun gently and answering me with her hecking attitude.

Min-Jun said, "it's ok if you don't want to.." she said, "I don't want to tell it now. But you will get to know about me soon!" Her voice was gentle and hears more familiar.

Min-Jun asked, "I want to ask you something about someone.. In fact, we came here in search of that person." She looked at Min-Jun speechless like she knows who she is gonna ask about.

She said, "who?" In a rough Voice. Min-Jun said, "it's about a girl names Rosalyn. She is 22 years old. She have antibodies with her. The virus started spreading world wide. Now! It also started to spread in England. We should find vaccine as soon as possible!"

I can hear a chuckle from her and she said, "I do know about her! But she...." What happened to her? I asked in concerned voice, "she? She what? What happened to her?" She stayed silent focusing on driving. She is making me more angry by staying silent!

I yelled, "say it! What happened to her?" She said, "it's not my work to find her. It's yours. So your work properly!" What! She don't want to help us.

I said, "you know her or not? Please tell me the truth!" She looked at me and said, "I know her..! I promise..!" I was shocked. Where is she then! I asked that black dress girl, "can I know where is she?" I was trying to talk gentle even though I was angry with that girl..

She suddenly stopped the car. I whispered, "not again!" Min-Jun said, "please... I'm sorry for him. He won't mess with you again. Please take the car!" Is it my mistake? No way! She's just telling I messed up with her!

She stared at us and said, "are you both insane?" That's what we will think when she stop the car! There's only 10 or 20 minutes left for the sky to become bright.

She said, "I'll come back right now. Stay in the car and don't try to get out of the car." Am I a baby. I know I should not go out. I don't like that black dress girl.

I saw her through the window. She was going towards the shops. Where she's actually going. She was going straight to medical shop. I could see her because it was a little bright now.

Why is she going to medical shop. Me or Min-Jun didn't get hurt.. neither she got. I can't even understand this girl. I asked Min-Jun, "did you get hurt back there?" She shook her head, no. I asked, "then why she's barging into the medical shop..?" Min-Jun shrugged and said, "maybe she has some medical issues.."

She's a wierd girl I've ever seen. She took a package with her and came back to the car. She sat in the driver's seat and opened the package to check whether everything is ok. I asked concerned, "you have any medical issues?"

She said rudely, "none of your business!" God!! I'm not ever going to talk to this girl again. Min-Jun asked, "how much more time. The sun will rise soon.."  she said, "just 15 minutes away.."

Thank God! It's only 15 minutes. God! Please help me to not talk to this girl again. She was driving and I was resting my head for some times. She suddenly made a sharp turn in car that made me wake up. God! She doesn't want me to be peaceful.

She again stopped in an place that made me more angry. She got out of the car whispering, "stay here! I'll be back in a minute!" She went to a building window and said, "I want three." And she gave some money through the window. The man/women inside the window gave her a package. What is even that? Food?

She came back and placed that package in the same Medicine pack. I said, "I'm a scientist and she's a doctor. I know there's no more doctor here. We can help you because you helped me! Can you tell what's with your health?"

She stared at me badly. Even though she was wearing mask. Her eyes were staring at me without even closing. I understood what she's gonna do next and said, "ok! I got it! It's none of my business!"

That black dress girl asked to us, "are you guys hungry? I can get some food for you!" I said, "it's ok! We have many tin food. We will share with you!"

She got into the car and started the car. I was staring at her medicine package. I saw two wine bottles alone with that. She is drunk? Drunk while driving?

I asked, "are you drunk?" She said, "yeah! What the big deal with that?" Min-Jun said, "it's not at all good.. girl! Please stop! We escaped from zombies! But we're gonna die in accident!"

She said, "you know something? Death isn't painful! Life is!" Wait! At first when she stopped the car in crowd of zombies, she said that she don't want to live. Now! She's telling that life is painful. What of she crash the car in purpose? What if she's searching a good companion to die with her?

Yeah! I'm really a dumb. She concerned but a little  angry. She have a good side inside her. I can see that.


Guess who is that black dress girl? You should've find out who is that..

Today I had a lot of fun with my friends in school the whole day! It was awesome and perfect day for me!

What about y'all? Did you enjoy your day? What sort of funny things you did today?

Mention in comments section..

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