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Maddy was walking hand in hand with Monty, Scott on her other side of the girl as they followed Bryce who was storming up to Tyler

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Maddy was walking hand in hand with Monty, Scott on her other side of the girl as they followed Bryce who was storming up to Tyler. Bryce slammed the boys locker shut causing him to jump "The hell?"

"I never laid a hand on you" Bryce spat "Never. I saw other guys fucking with you, I told them to back off so why are you talking about me in court?"

"Jesus, how did you you know that already? Did Clay tell you?" Tyler asked.

Bryce sighed impatiently "Never mind how I know, just tell me why you talked"

"'Cause your little dark room threat didn't scare me" he replied to which Bryce shared a confused look with Monty. Honestly, Maddy didn't give a fuck about Bryce and would be glad to see him get brought up in court but her boyfriend had dragged her along.

"What 'darkroom threat'?" Bryce questioned.

"You can fuck with me all you want, I don't care you'll pay" Tyler threatened.

"Mr.Walker" Porter called out from behind Tyler. Bryce stiffened slightly and so did Maddy when she saw Porters eyes dart towards Monty's arm that he had moved to wrap around her shoulder. She knew exactly what thoughts were going through his mind seeing as he had heard the tapes.

Porter glanced between Maddy and Monty a few times before Monty dragged her away from the scene however she could feel his eyes on her.


Maddy was walking along the side of the baseball field towards Mr. Porter who asked to see her when she noticed him standing with the coach talking to all the guys who were sat on the benches. About fucking consent. "-affirmative consent from your sexual partner in order to engage in intercourse" his voice got increasingly louder the closer she got "Silence or lack of resistance does not demonstrate consent. Consent must be given in words or in actions" he finished uncomfortably.

"Does a scream count?" Scott asked which made most of the guys chuckle.

Maddy scoffed, bringing everyone's attention to her who they hadn't even noticed was there "What you think being a fucking rapist is funny?" she spat. All the guys stopped laughing immediately and the air turned extremely tense. Scott was embarrassed Maddy had heard him say that and disgusted in himself that his 'joke' had caused her to think that of him.

"You want to be a comedian, Mr. Reed? Or you wanna play ball this year 'cause I can arrange that you take the season off" Mr. Porter subtly threatened however he didn't receive a reply.

The Coach cleared this throat "Right, so affirmative consent..." his voice trailed into the background as Mr. Porter and Maddy walked a few feet away so their conversation wasn't heard. Monty, Zach and Bryce were looking at the two curiously.

"You wanted to speak to me?" Maddy asked.

"Yes, Maddy I-uh how are you?" he responded

"I'm fine" she answered suspiciously "Why?"

"I just.. Montgomery De La Cruz can be very short-tempered sometimes, yes?" Mr. Porter questioned.

"Yeah sometimes" she confirmed.

"Does he ever get angry with you?" he gently said, pulling a nervous laugh from the girl.

"Wha-I-uh I mean we have arguments" she stammered.

"Has he ever laid his hands on you during these arguments?" he continued.

She stumbled back slightly and her breathing quickened, her nervous laughter continued. The three boys, including Scott now continued to watch the scene before them, all of them confused as to what the counselor could possibly be saying to elicit such a reaction from the girl. She looked to be on the verge of a panic attack.

"N-no he wouldn't.. he wouldn't" Maddy mumbled and shook her head as if to reassure not only Porter but herself too. Before he could question any further she started retreating away "I-I'm sorry I have uh.. cheer practice" she excused, not listening to his calls as she ran away.


Maddy was standing with the other cheerleaders when she saw Jess approach from the track. After her conversation with Porter she spent almost an hour in the girls bathroom calming herself down and pushing it to the back of her mind. All the cheerleaders got up to hug the girl they had missed dearly and she just hoped it wasn't going to be awkward between Chloe and Jess.

"Hey Jess" Chloe spoke up gently.

"Hey Chloe" Jess' smile dimmed slightly but no one seemed to notice except for the short brunette who was watching the situation intently.

"It's so good to have you back" Maddy sighed in content, hugging her best friend tightly, she needed this. "And just in time as we're starting our routines for summer competitions and you would make the best flyer" she squealed.

"Wait-what? I thought I was a flyer?" Melissa, one of the cheerleaders questioned yet Maddy didn't respond and continued to plead with Jess.

"You have everything it takes to be one Jess, only if your ready?" she continued.

"Totally. I'm totally ready" Jess grinned.

"All right! Well girls let's start marking it out, Jess maybe watch the first time around? It's new but I know you'll pick it up and if not I'll work with you" Maddy stated receiving a nod in return. Monty was watching his girlfriend happily, glad to be seeing her looking better than she was earlier. He was too caught up in his thoughts to notice he wasn't the only guy staring after her in awe.

"What do you think Mr. Porter was talking to Mads about?" Bryce asked Zach.

"No idea" he mumbled, although he did have a slight clue.

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