viii. panic attack

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                    YELENA'S HANDS RAN ON the silk of her midnight blue kefta, smoothing the folds out of nervousness. She climbed the stairs and walked through the Palace, holding her breath when the servants flung the doors open and she walked through the entry chamber and into the Hall of the Golden Dome. The room was a giant hexagon with proportions of a cathedral. There were four tables arranged in a square at the center, and that was were the Grisha waited. Despite their numbers, they were still separated by their orders. Yelena heard Tolya snorting quietly behind her, the man seemed to always be close.

The Grisha rose when they saw her coming, they group was young. She remembered Retvenko and Vaan in the Whaler, most experienced Grisha had fled and chosen to defect to the Darkling. A wave of uneasiness filled her, but she didn't let it show. Yelena's gray quartz eyes wandered across the room and their faces; among the few Heartrenders left were Sergei, Fedyor and Jasmin, she didn't know much of Sergei but Yelena remembered the latter from her first stay at the Little Palace. Jasmin was a brown-skinned girl and looked to be Alina's age, but contrasting her petite figure and young age she was one powerful Heartrender. Yelena remembered the girl was always around in the library, they'd talked about books a few times but that was pretty much it.

With the Etherealki stood Alina's friends, Marie and Nadia and in a far seat with the Materialki was David, who's eyes were glued to the black table. Yelena felt happy to see him despite what he had done to her sister, the Fabrikator was her friend after all and he, like everyone else in that room, fell for the Darkling's tricks.

Sergei was the first to step forward which didn't surprise Yelena. Kirigan used to favor Heartrenders for their powers, and now most of them think of themselves to be more important than the rest. They'd not submit without a fight, and she knew that. Yelena stood with her back straight and chin high, her hands were together behind her back, her face looked unreadable of feelings but her gray eyes were hard. Kaz Brekker style.

"Yelena and Alina Starkov," he said tightly. "I'm pleased to welcome you back to the Little Palace." he didn't bow. The tension in the room was almost palpable.

"Thank you, Sergei," Yelena said, the man's features were slightly surprised, he probably didn't think she knew his name. But Yelena had a really good memory. "We're glad to be here."

"It's said you arrived in the company of the King's second son," Sergei said, the challenge in his voice was clear.

"That's right, he aided in our battle with the Darkling."

"On the Fold?" Sergei asked, confused.

"On the True Sea." Yelena corrected. A murmur rose from the crowd, but she was quick to raise her hand and they all fell silent. Yelena fought the urge to smile. "But I'm not here to talk about that. I came back to Os Alta with a purpose."

"People are talking about a wedding." Sergei added. Not mine, she wanted to say.

"Being a bride it's not on my agenda," she replied instead. And before Sergei could add anything else, she followed, "I've returned to lead the Second Army. And the King has agreed that I will hold command." A wave of shouts and chatter broke out, some were angry, others were cheering.

Sergei cleared his throat before talking yet again. "The King's blessing or not, you are not qualified to lead a military campaign. Yelena, you are the Moon Summoner and we know the stories, but the Corporalki are the highest-ranking Grisha and should lead the Second Army."

"According to you, bloodletter." Zoya stepped forward, and it was the first time she'd seen her after their goodbye in Os Kervo. She was wearing her usual blue kefta and the raven locks fell on her shoulders. Zoya was one beautiful woman. "I speak fot the Etherealki, and we will follow the Moon Summoner." Oh, and how she loved that woman.

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