Chapter 40

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Smiling to himself, Parker Lei makes his way down the crowded mall, his boyfriend's hand tucked teasingly into his back pocket. 

Cara had been in an unusually good mood since the inconvenience last night- it might or might not have had anything to do with Parker telling the younger he loved him in the middle of the hallway the night prior. 

Now, the two boys strode through the crowd, eyes taking in the colors and aesthetics of the place as they made light conversation, both smiling broadly.

Light muffled music played from unseen speakers in the distance, dissolving into the loud chatter of the crowd. 

"Let's go to Urban Outfitters!" Cara suddenly calls, diverting Parker's attention as he grips his hand, practically dragging the bigger boy after him. 

"Outfitters? Why?" Parker breathes, finding himself now past the barriers they'd put up after things had reopened. "What do they sell at Urban Outfitters?" Cara scoffs, rolling his eyes as if his boyfriend didn't have a single brain cell. 

"Clothes?" Parker shrugs, looking up at the dull-ly lit open space, shelves and cabinets creating a crowded maze. 

"That's right, genius." The silver haired boy nods, holding his arm out to gesture around the place. "I need new clothes." He informs the elder. 

Recalling Cara's loaded closet, Parker doubted that but follows the smaller boy deeper into the store anyway. 

"Hi there! Can I help you?" A young woman approaches them, a welcoming and professional smile on her face. A badge sits over her right breast pocket and a bluetooth connects from her ear into her shirt, indicating that she was an employee. 

"Hi. I'm Cara Levi. Heir to Ronnie Levi. We're gonna be here awhile, could you put our things onto my mom's card?" Cara speaks, confidence ringing from his voice and bouncing off the walls. 

"Mr. Levi! Of course, take as long as you need, I'll be right here when you're done!" The woman suddenly says, her voice changing into one of familiarity as she bows her head a little, a more friendly smile on her face now.

Parker's brows arch as he takes all of this in, an impressed and just as astound expression on his face. "What the fuck was that?" He muses as soon as the woman struts out of sight. 

"My mom works at their company, baby. She's their floor manager." The silver haired boy responds nonchalantly, his fingertips running over different folded clothing and mannequins as he walks around, hand still gripping Parker's. 

"Holy shit. You didn't tell me that." The taller boy says, his eyes taking in the store with a new angle. "Yeah I did. Just now." Cara responds, giggling a little when Parker gives him an arched brow. 

"Anyways, there's some shit here I wanna get, come on." He adds, weaving Parker through the stout shelves and adequately dressed mannequins. 

Eyeing around him, Parker lets himself lean against a bench as Cara begins to look around, the tall boy's hands itching for a cigarette like every other time he found himself having to stay in one spot for too long. 

He snatches out his phone, scrolling through his Instagram, allowing his boyfriend as much time as he needed. He almost felt like his dad whenever he and his mom went shopping together. 

Grunting softly as he realizes he'd just compared himself to his father, Parker shakes the thoughts out of his head, instead focusing on his feed. 

Ever since he'd modeled for that new company a month ago he'd been getting way more followings and general recognition than he had ever before. 

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