Chapter 39

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Typing in his passcode, Parker jiggles the door handle, letting himself into his dorm before shutting it behind himself. 

Kneeling down, he tugs on the laces of his boots, smiling to himself at the satisfying sight of his thick soles. 

The sound of someone clearing their throat makes his head snap into place and he sights a certain silver haired boy, dressed in a black and green graphic-tee underneath a puffy jacket, hair teased up with a bandana. 

"Baby-" An important realization crosses his mind and he curses at himself, his teeth grinding against one another in guilt. 

He had a date with Cara today. 

How did he forget that? Seeing the angry and hurt expression on his boyfriend's face, Parker quickly stands up, his eyebrows pinching as he makes an apologetic face. 

What on earth could he say right now when he was supposed to meet with Cara in the afternoon and it was 8 at night right now? 

"Oh, my god, love. I'm so fucking sorry-" He presses, his hand finding his forehead as his heart twists in overwhelm. How had he been so irresponsible? Parker out of all people was not irresponsible. 

Then how the fuck did he forget something so crucial? 

"Save it, Parker." Cara clicks his tongue, his adam's apple moving up and down as he swallows. Pushing past the taller boy, Cara kneels down, his shoes already on his feet. 

Having heard their voices, Helen emerges from the room Cara had also come out of, his eyes raising disapprovingly at the sight of Parker. "You fucked up." he informs the raven haired boy softly. 

Parker wanted to tell him that he knew but he was suddenly unable to form words with Cara's angry figure already standing up, heavy boots stamping against the marble flooring as he exits the dorm, leaving only the echo of his boots. 

Exhaling a breath he'd been holding, the raven haired boy only stares at the closed door. 

Parker was at a loss of thoughts. Seeing Cara with that cold expression directed towards him had made it feel like an avalanche had taken place inside of his own heart. 

"Dude. Go after him." Helen retorts exasperatedly after a moment, seeing that Parker still stood in the same spot. 

Snapping back into reality in a robotic manner, the raven haired boy quickly spins on his heels, kicking his shoes on before lumbering out of the dorm, his head moving frantically as he looks down the hall. 

Aiming for the one direction the other would go, he falls into a sprint as he approaches the staircase, wanting to catch up to his boyfriend before he disappeared. 

As expected, the sight of a silver haired boy walking, a familiar proud bounce in his steps as he makes his way down the hallway comes into view once Parker descends the flight of stairs. 

That proud, unbothered stance, that arch in his shoulders, and that high tilt of his chin as Cara made his way towards his destination was something Parker was so familiar with. 

Yet he'd never imagined that those very elevated strides would at some point be used to walk away from him. 

Bounding forward, Parker grabs the smaller boy's wrist, locking him onto the spot despite his attempts to snatch his hand away. 

He didn't want Cara to walk away from him. Ever. 

Especially not with that same eye-catching and conceited tread that made people turn their heads to look at the boy who made himself look superior to the rest just by the way he walked. 

Parker's eyes flicker as he tries to get Cara to look at him, his chest heaving with the indifferent look on the smaller boy's face. 

"Babe." He finally says when Cara turns his head away, his jaw shifting impatiently. 

"Look at me." He voices the words softly, yet they hold just as much plea and demand in them as the reluctance in Cara's demeanor. 

This was the first time the silver haired boy had refused to talk or even look at him. He was angry with Parker. And the awareness of that made Parker's chest sag like a torn garbage bag carrying a boulder. 

determination against hurt, and each inflated ego against the other, one of them tries to get the other to look into his eyes while the other refuses to break his cold trance. 

"Please." Parker finally adds, his voice cracking before dissolving onto a whisper. 

This causes Cara's head to snap into place, his eyes searching the taller boy's eyes. 

Their faces inches away and their eyes locked. The way they were supposed to be. The only thing in Parker's life that felt right. 

The silver haired boy purses his lips, realizing he'd broken his facade that easily. 

A part of Parker knew that was a privilege that only belonged to him. Cara would never break for anyone else like that no matter what it took. 

Stroking his cheek with his thumb, Parker lets his gaze warm up. "I'm really sorry, sweetheart. I mean it. I'm so extremely sorry for being such a shitty boyfriend today. I would say sorry over and over again-" 

"Shut up." Cara cuts him off, his brows stitching slightly as he puts a finger to Parker's lips. 

Hurt surges into the taller boy's chest at the words. 

It's quickly replaced with a euphoric haze though as Cara steps closer, pulling at Parker's neck before pressing his lips against the elder, pulling him into the addictive rhythm he was so used to. 

And like the short boy in his arms usually was when he was angry, Cara's moves are aggressive, his hand gripping Parker's neck harshly, almost as if he was punishing the elder. 

Figuring he deserved it anyway, the raven haired boy ignores the sting of Cara's nails digging into his nape and shoulder and instead he lets himself melt into the soft lips that pressed roughly against his. 

And Parker didn't care that they were standing in the middle of the residence of most of the students that attended his college. 

Cara deserved every little bit of him. Especially right now. And he'd give up his reputation and fear for that moment, to give the smaller boy in his arms all of him. 

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