Ch. 2 - The Very First Night

Start from the beginning

"Yeah!" Zekai yelled back, his loud, deep voice echoing throughout the room.

Gabriel shook his head at how crazy those two were, as he began to walk up the stairs. Not even remember how sore he was from working out.

An itch in the back of his head made him look down and he saw Elliot looking up at him from the bottom of the staircase.

"You comin?" Gabe asked the shorter man.

Elliot nodded, smiling shyly to himself.

Gabe couldn't help but smile to himself as well. Elliot was cute just like his boyfriend. He couldn't lie about that. While he could only look and not touch, Gabe hoped to love someone just as much as those two loved each other.

When the two got to the top floor, Dom and Zekai were talking about something that sounded mostly gibberish to Gabe. Something about re-recordings and stolen music masters or something, Gabe couldn't care less.

"Finally you slowpokes made it up," Zekai grinned, staring at the two.

"Sorry," Elliot said quietly.

"Oh no no, It's fine," Zekai said, walking up to Elliot and kissing him on the forehead. Then again and again and again before Elliot started to push him away.

"Zekai there's people around," Elliot's face became overwhelmingly red.

"Who cares," Zekai grinned mischievously.

Elliot's face went wide in fear for suddenly Zekai wrapped his arms and threw the smaller man over his shoulder. Squirming, Elliot fought for freedom before soon giving up.

"See you guys around," Zekai looked at Dom then back at Gabe.

Zekai's pale gold eyes stared Gabe down, eyeing him up and down. From his feet to his eyes, where Zekai left him with a wink.

They both unlocked their doors as they departed into their own apartments.

"Hey dudes!" Dom said, sitting at the counter.

Aiden's mom, Kiara was at the stove cooking what looked to be steaks as Aiden sat on his phone at the table. Gabe went to sit next to Aiden, noticing how his eyes never left Dom since he entered the apartment. And how slowly he seemed to loosen up since the two had made it home.

God this man is obvious, Gabe thought. Luckily Dom is a complete moron.

Dom had been talking with Kiara and suddenly stopped talking as he noticed no one was sitting by him. Frowning he stared at Aiden and Gabe sitting at the table before he grumbled and trotted over taking a seat next to Aiden.

Aiden was at Gabe's height but more muscular. With dark black skin and sleek short hair that fit him well and dark green eyes that matched Dom's.

Kiara was similar in complexion and with shorter hair as well, though she was the shortest in the apartment by about 9 inches.

"As I was saying," Kiara began. "You boys excited for classes tomorrow?"

"No," Dom said for all of them. "These are our actual major classes now, that's stressful."

"You're the one who chose to major in economics," Aiden mumbled.

"Hey! I'm taking over my father's business so I had to," Dom defended himself. "And you're one to speak Computer Science."

"Yeah? I'm good at math and coding. So what? At least I'm not trying to be a fucking lawyer," Aiden squinted his eyes.

"How did I get dragged into this?" Gabriel muttered as Dom and Aiden kept bickering like an old married couple.

Neither even noticed, except for Kiara, as Gabe got up to take a quick shower. Gabe yanked his shirt off and tossed it into his bedroom as he crossed the hallway into the bathroom.

The bathroom was rather large with two sinks, a toilet, and a shower. The best part of it was the fact that the pressure in the shower was amazing and was really nice after a long day like this one. It was miles better than the shitty ones in the dorms.

Students paid so much to go here and yet, the showers were still terrible.

Getting the faucet just right, Gabriel stepped out of his shorts and underwear and into the shower.

The water hit just right as he felt it spray across his body. Gabriel combed his soaked hair with his hands as basked in the warmness of the water.

Every time he closed his eyes he saw hazel and pale gold eyes.

No matter what Gabe did he couldn't get those two out of his head. How large and muscular Zekai was, and how short yet still nicely muscled Elliot was. They seemed like polar opposites yet it made so much sense.

Even with the warmth of the shower, he could still feel that lingering feeling in his chest that was left by the warmth he felt in the gym. What even was that? He had felt nothing like it before.

It had to have just been butterflies or something.

Gabe clutched his chest, hoping to feel that warmth again someday.

He longed for anything to feel like home again.


Long time no see! I got very very very sick during January and lacked the motivation to work on this while sick! I've been feeling a lot better but my time has been taken up with school but its slowing down now!

As always you can find me on:

Twitter: @14MekDiscord: Mek_14 #4343Tapas: - Where I upload the NSFW content as well as 5 chapters ahead of the public release!

Hope to get back into the swing of things! Sorry about the delay!-MEK

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