Chapter 34: Pesky Flies

Start from the beginning

Not on my watch sucker!

I pull out two facial tissues from Sunshine's bedside table and gently dab her drool. I check the other side of her mouth and I made sure that I did not miss anything.

I caress her hair. "Precious. Wake up."

No response.

I call her louder this time. "Precious. Wake up."

No reaction.

I kiss her nose lightly and I pull back to see her reaction.

I saw her nose twitch.

Now I know what to do. Okay again.

I kiss her nose again lightly and this time Sunshine scrunch her nose.

I did it again expecting a light reaction from Sunshine but I was startled when Sunshine suddenly tried to swat the air narrowly missing my face.

Thank God for my fast reflex if not, I'll have a red hand print on my cheeks right now

"Oh my lordy! Why do pesky flies fly at this time disturbing my sleep!" Sunshine whined.

First I was a dog. Now, I am a pesky fly. In the long run of this relationship, I'll definitely develop a bad case of identity crisis.

"Precious wake up." I called again. Instead of waking up, Sunshine rolls down to the other side of the bed.

I run towards to my side of the bed and silently cursing myself for ordering a bigger bed. It took a while before I reach the other side.

Like Five seconds max.

Five seconds too long.

I decided to sit on the edge of the bed to prevent Sunshine from rolling down the floor.

I run my hand through Sunshine's red hair. I was so happy that her hair was soft and silky unlike before. I mentally pat my back for a job well done and also for meticulously choosing the right shampoo and conditioner that suits Sunshine's hair.

I did not try to wake up Sunshine anymore. I just settle on running my hands through her tresses. She must be really tired and here I am waking her up too early.

While I was running my hand through Sunshine's hair, I silently hope that our future children will get her gorgeous red hair.

If  anyone tease or call my children ginger they will meet their maker right then and there. Order shoot to kill is effective 24 fucking 7.

"Grey Grey." I was so deep into my dreamland that I did not notice that Sunshine was already awake.

"Goodmorning precious!" I greets. I was leaning down to kiss her but she push my face away.

"Noo. Morning breath! You'll die. It's really hazardous Grey Grey. Bad for your health." She said seriously.

I snorts. As if morning breath will stop me from kissing her.

"Precious. Morning breath is normal." I explained.

"Nu Ah! Not true. You don't have one."

I arch my eyebrow.

"How did you know that?" I ask curiously.

I have a feeling that I'll not like her answer.

"Of course I kiss you in the morning, during our afternoon nap and night night while you were sleeping."

What the heck? All this time she's kissing me and I am fucking asleep? Fuck that! From now on I will pretend that I am sleeping. I'll die before I miss another of those kisses.

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