A Night together

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Zhan Zhao was almost skipping towards the door because there was an excursion today. Students of biology were being taken to a trip, one night stay. There were probably 35 students, so Zhan Zhao thought it won't be too hectic today.

But his good mood vanished as soon as he saw his father sitting in the drawing room with a grave face. Zhan Zhao stopped for a mome, then decided to avoid him. He quickly tried to escape when he heard his father's voice, "are you still going to that college? "

Zhan Zhao turned around to see his father looking at him with an unpleasant expression. It was nothing new but it stung him as always.
Zhan Zhao nodded looking sideways.

His father grunted, "what's with your dress-up? Still wasting time! It's the same if you go to that college or not, why don't you do something productive? "

Zhan Zhao was feeling upset every passing moment, "I will leave or else I will be late. "

His father looked blankly at him as Zhan Zhao just exited the house.

Bai Yutang became famous the very second day and students started to gossip about him everywhere.

"Do you know Yutang was fighting Lee Jung's group? "

"How are they still not disqualified? They are not outcasts. They are not allowed to fight. "

"But i heard king accepted this dare, which was made by Lee Jung's group because he flirted with his girlfriend. "

"Seriously? "

"Probably Yutang is the next outcast. "

"I also think so. "

Yutang shrugged as he heard all types of whispers but he could not care less. One of jis subject was biology and the professor was going to arrange a trip today so he was excited for this. Not because of the excursion, but he just wanted to go outside.

Everyone was exhausted when they finally came to their lodging. Students were all sharing rooms, 3-4 students will stay in a medium sized room and 2 students will stay in a small size room.

Yutang was displeased since he has a clean freak and didn't wanto to share with anyone. But of course he had no choice, when his request got denied. He stopped complaining because he thought it would be unfair to the others anyways.

They did a lottery to select their roommate and Yutang was amused when he saw his roommate was none other than Zhan Zhao. But he couldn't spot the latter anywhere.

Yutang got into his room and his first to do thing was to take a shower. When he got out of the shower, wiping his head with a white towel, he saw Zhan Zhao, his roommate for the night.

Zhan Zhao was standing near the window which was half open, leaning on the wall with his side, feeling the wind, his eyes closed. Gentle breeze messed up his smoothly falling hair, and moonlight shone brightly lighting a part of his face. He looked like a person without any care of the world.

He had already unpacked and got freshen up.

Yutang smiled a little, then coughed to gain his attention.

Sudden noise made Zhan Zhao jolt up, and he looked quickly and saw Yutang standing there half naked, water droplets still hanging on his shiny black hair. His eyes are bright like of a tiger.

Zhan Zhao was thinking about his conversation with his father unwanted.
He quickly regained himself and stood straight. Then he looked left and right uneasily and quickly stepped towards the door with quick steps.

Yutang's eyes followed Zhao's strange action. He picked up his white shirt which was folded neatly on the bed and asked amusedly while getting dressed, "What are you doing? "

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