The Outcast

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Yutang never thought he would have such a bizzare start at this college.

He just stepped into X college as a second year, quite expectant, since it is the best academy in the entire city with high rate of successful students, with high class facility, tutoring, advanced materials and all that.

The college is consist of students belonging different classes but since the education is very cost effective here, most of the students are very rich. Since the class division is very prominent here,  yes, bullying is a very common occurrence. Actually, this private college is infamous for having a high suicide rate due to ragging and daily harassment. Professors only care about study, and as most of the people are from very good family, professors also try to stay out of any student regarding issues to not cause any trouble.

As soon as he entered the premise a weird atmosphere hits him. Everything is abnormal here. Apparently there is quite an interesting system is on act among the student body.

There is an unknown elite student in the academy who actually started a very weird and interesting game among the students, who is known as "King". But no one really knows who it is, or which year they belong to. No one knows their gender or anything about them. What is their intention? No that can not be answered too. So everything is quite unknown and mysterious.

Students who get good grades and belong to a good family literally thinks themselves as God. Aside this one type there is another type also. If there are exploiter, there will be exploited. If the person who started the game, known as the elitest student of the academy is known as 'king', the victim is known as 'the outcast. '

At most two students from every year are chosen to do some specific 'dares'. And it is always a poor student with average grades or lower are chosen to be outcasts as most student doesn't actually care about them. Yes, a very unfair thing.

Yutang was hearing all of this from his seatmate, who introduced himself as Min Hoon.

Somehow, he got the protagonist seat of any anime, the seat beside the window.

He thought, his life was very boring before coming here. But these things are surely piqueing his interested. He stared outside the window with a faint smile on his lips and the boy beside him kept talking. Then suddenly he heard a melodic low voice.
He turned his head and saw a boy standing next to his desk, very nervous. He was really beautiful, that's the first thing Yutang thought. His lean arms were trembling slightly as he held onto his own shirt tightly for support.
Yutang raised his heads as he saw that it seemed like this person had something to say.

The boy coughed a little and suddenly shouted, startling him, "You are really handsome. "

As soon as he said that in front of the whole class, everyone just started laughing. Yutang was speechless.

Then the boy blushed crimson red from head to toe and ran away quickly before the class starts.

Later his seatmate informed Yutang, that this person is Zhan Zhao, an unfortunate target of the whole academy, one of the the outcast. Right from the first year, for some reason he was chosen by the king as the target. He is the only outcast in the second year.

The thing Zhan Zhao just did, was probably a dare from someone.

His seatmate said impressed, "Yutang you really became popular just after entering. You are the only one who got admitted in the second year. And somebody is already hitting on you and they used Zhan Zhao for that. "

Yutang, who already forgot his seatmate's name, looked confused, "i got a recommendation because I am good at sports and what is the point if the person can't even come and talk to me directly? "

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