""your back! I saved you!"Keiko and Daku + Yasu Masashige(aka you :))

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Keiko and Daku + Yasu Masahige (aka you :))

(⚠Photo not mine above!⚠)

Reader's(Yasu's) Pronouns: He/Him and They/Them (If you don't know Yasu's pronouns are He/Him canonically, because he is us or the main protagonists they/them. I'll try my best to use both of these pronouns)

⚠Huge Spoilers for the chapter IV ending in the first sentence⚠(Sorry I haven't been posting I didn't have any ideas on my mimic book)(my book is platonic but keiko and daku are married)

Storyline takes place after you freed your parents and your ancestors from the witch's curse.

You woke up with a anxious heart and stormed downstairs seeing your parents fine, Yasu embraced them tightly "What's up my son what's with the hug?" Daku said hugging back his son. "your back! I saved you!" Keiko and Daku looked confused "What do you mean saved us? we are fine Yasu!" Keiko responded Yasu realized they didn't recall about the incident and said "nevermind" I had the worst night mare that I lost you guys..." Both parents are shocked by this and hugged them "It's okay our child! we are always here for you always we will never leave your side.." Both keiko and daku said while hugging their son. Little did they know that their ancestors watching above smiling and happy that they can rest in the afterlife and watching yasu and his family being happy again.

The End

Word count: 253 words

Sorry if it's a short story don't worry I have another story coming up and its long story. 

(Votes are highly appreciated!) 

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