"We will be best friends forever!" (A Hiachi and Cursed Reader oneshot)

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 (inspired by nxomi_axko's one-shot)

(The picture above is not mine)

Pronouns: She/Her (I will do a Gender-neutral and a male reader chapters very soon)

 In this you are tricked by Sama and become one of her puppets but you and hiachi are best friends when you were not cursed, you always hang out with her, you live in the same village with her, But..


 "Hey (Your Name)!" Hiachi saw a 8 year (Your name) holding 3 flower crowns, one for hiachi, one for her and of course a little tiny flower crown for shaku. they both hug each other and pulled away. "Hey Hiachi! I made flower crowns for you and shaku!" She happily said and Hiachi took them and put her flower crown on her head and of course also she put the small flower crown on shaku. You were both inseparable even your own mother is friends with futaomote."Hey Hiachi can we promise something?" Little 8 year old (your name) said and Hiachi nodded, "Can we be best friends forever until we grow up and never each other's side?" she said and Hiachi said "Yes!" and hugged each other again.

Flashback ended...

How (Your name) was cursed

  (Your Name) was cursed for 300 years by sama want to know why? After Hiachi was cursed she haven't seen her and her mother for a while and she was worried so after lunch she went out to look for her in the middle in sakura forest she saw a lady in all black that looked like hiachi. (Your Name) said "Hey lady? Have you seen my bestfriend hiachi? I have been worried for her she has been missing for one day..." Kintoru said "Oh?... you want to find your best friend right..?" (Your name) nodded and Kintoru continued to speak "Oh I have seen her hold my hand I'll lead to her..." and (Your name) nodded and took her hand she started feeling wired and her vision was getting blurry and she was sobbing and kintoru laughed and said "ah...just like her..." (Your Name) said "WHAT DID YOU DO To HER!" she yelled at her. Kintoru responded "Oh...her...?I made her my puppet and now you...." and (Your name)'s vision is getting more blurry and passed out.

  300 years later

(Your Name) is now a puppet now and yes the players have to escape her huge maze trying to find 2 butterfly spirits After the players escape her maze, she became really lonely because she didn't have her best friend with her she just in knees and started crying in black tears wishing that her friend hiachi just appear in front of her to see her again

Meanwhile with hiachi 

After the players escape her maze she is also really lonely because (your name) wasn't with her, she regretted trusting sama, because she would never see her best friend again. And also cursed and tricked her. Hiachi was really worried if sama cursed her too. Because she doesn't want her own friend to be like her...


(Your Name) got out of her maze and went exploring for a while and saw a distorted town with nobody in it (her maze is a bit near to hiachi's)she walked and saw a bridge and she crossed it she ducked to the small door and saw a maze "ah another person who was cursed by that witch...."(Your name) is to tall to get in that maze but she saw a lady with long hair, a white dress, with a pink hat with a ribbon and her face is in tears.

Hiachi preview:

Hiachi heard something a footstep she thought it might be a player so she saw a lady with black hair, white skin, A white dress with a (your favorite hat color) hat and she realized that the lady with the (Your favorite color hat) hat is her best friend's favorite color. "no.. is that her...? no...it cant be.... that isn't her.... did sama cursed her...?" she said that in her mind

End of Hiachi's preview

(Your name) was confused but she knows that lady is cursed as well but she didn't know who she is so she started speaking "uhhh who are you?" and Hiachi responded "(Your Name)..? remember me your best friend??????" (Your name) was shocked and said "Hiachi....?" they were crying and tried hugging each other but they realized they are to tall but (Your name)somehow teleported and hugged hiachi "Its been years (your name) what did she do to you" Hiachi started sobbing (Your name) responded "that lady tricked me by leading to you.." Hiachi was widened her eyes and started getting a bit mad "How could she! Cursed my best friend..." "It's okay hiachi my maze is a bit near yours... but at least we are together.. that what it matters" (Your Name) responded Hiachi calm down and they both hugged again but (Your name) had to go to her maze so she wave goodbye to hiachi but after the players escape (Your name)'s maze she always visits hiachi and tell about when they are cursed and their secrets.


Hello there A/N here! Hopefully you like this story it's a long one lol-(Votes are highly appreciated!)

Word Count: 866

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