Messiah Brewster
Walking through the shop he checked making sure everyone was doing their jobs so far everything was going smoothly. He stopped at one of the doors before knocking and hearing a faint come in.

"Wassgood. ,"nodded Messiah seeing the session going on.

"Putting the finishing touches on this tattoo and we're done. ," finished Harlym.

"When you done wrapping up her leg go get Gritty and y'all meet me in my office. ," said Messiah walking back to his office. Shortly after Harlym entered with Gritty behind him.

"What's the word Bossman. ," greeted Gritty taking a seat across from him beside Harlym.

"I looked at y—

"Siah I got something to tell you this man— oh hey Gritty and Harlym. ," spoke Sincere walking into his office with food.

"Wassup Mrs.B. ," spoke Gritty.

"Hey Mrs.B. ,"spoke Harlym.

"What man? ," frowned Messiah focusing all his attention on her.

"You know how I went out with my sisters and Zi? The waiter stared flirting with me and I had to let him know like your compliment cool and all but I'm happily married. ," said Sincere.

"Oh, before I was interrupted I looked at y'all files and the work y'all have done. ," said Messiah meddling his wife.

"Messiah please don't get fucked up. ," Sincere cut her eyes at him.

"Mrs.B I ain't never heard you use such language. ," gasped Gritty playfully holding his chest.

"Gritty mind yours. Messiah your food in the microwave. ," she waved him off.

Walking over to the couch on the other side of the room Sincere kicked her shoes off and got comfortable. She opened her laptop checking out the building she purchased for her clothing store and bought decorations she needed.

"Y'all consistent, got good customer service skills, get the most books, and y'all some dope artists. I'm picky and if I ain't fucking with something I'll tell you, but y'all work valid. I want y'all to be my leading artists. ," stated Messiah.

"What? Us? ," Gritty pointed between him and Harlym who sat there shocked.

"Nah casper duhh y'all foo. ," chuckled Messiah.

"Shit yea! ," smiled Gritty dapping Messiah up.

"Yeah man. I don't even know what to say thank you. ," smiled Harlym.

"Thank my wife she picked y'all out specifically. ," he gave credit to Sincere.

"Thank you Mrs.B. ," said Gritty.

"Thank you. ," nodded Harlym.

"No need y'all got real talent don't let nothing or nobody stop you. Now gone back to work. ," stated Sincere. They walked out the office with a smile from ear to ear.

"Hey beautiful how was your day? ," Messiah pecked his wife lips before sitting down next to her and pulling her feet in his lap.

"My day was good handsome how about you? ," asked Sincere.

"It was straight. What you doing? ," he asked peeking over at the laptop screen.

"Looking at this building for my store. I like it it's enough room and extra storage space. ," said Sincere.

"You want it? ," asked Messiah.

"I already bought it. ," mumbled Sincere looking away from him.

"Look at me. Why you ain't say nothing? You know I would've got it. ," frowned Messiah.

"I wanted to do it on my own. You can buy my decorations and help me interview potential employeeswhen the time comes. ," suggested Sincere.

"Aight. ," said Messiah.

"I need to talk to you anyway about something important. ," Sincere sat her computer aside sighing. She didn't know how he was going to react as long as he didn't get angry.

"I'm listening. ," Messiah have her his full attention.

"While you were away I did some bad things. I did shit that I never imagined I would have to. Baby I-I killed someone. ," Sincere said the last sentence softly hoping he would say something.

"Who? ," asked Messiah.

"James Kellan the guy that owned the club in East Atlanta. ," replied Sincere.

"I know who he is I wanna know how you know him? Huh Sincere? ," gritted Messiah becoming mad. He didn't want his wife in any of his old drug business especially when their trying to start fresh.

"I was in your office okay I looked through—

"Didn't I tell you don't go in there Noonie. I told you not to go snooping for nothing that's gone mess with our future and you coming to me with this bullshit. ," said Messiah.

"I found a letter in our mailbox before we left Brooklyn aight! He said this ain't over and he's not gone stop til we're dead. I ain't having it I have a son that needs me and I'm not letting no one get close enough to hurts us no matter who I have to get rid of. ," replied Sincere getting angry herself.

"Why you just now saying something about a letter? Who helped you find him? I could've had this taken care of Sincere. ," Messiah grumbled pacing the floor thinking.

"What were you gonna do? You were incarcerated fighting murder charges more than one at that. I had Ren help me once she found James info I found him and he told me everything else. ," replied Sincere.

"You don't think you can cause yo sister lose her license. That's what you want!? ," questioned Messiah.

"No I'm just looking out for us! I put my life on the line for you, Kareem, Kairi, and my family because I love y'all. Remember you said it wasn't about money anymore they wanted me? I rather it be me that gets them befor they get me and I'm so close. ," said Sincere.

"I'm sorry to interrupt but boss you have a walk in. ," knocked Malai.

"Okay go take them to my tattoo area. Go home Sincere. ," said Messiah to angry to even look at her.

"G-Go home? You're mad at me aren't you? Answer me Messiah! ," Sincere walked in front of him trying to get his attention.

"Go home I'll talk to you when I get there. ," said Messiah watching his wife grab her things storming out.

Medusa 🐍. A masterpiece by one of our very own artists @harlymtats

 A masterpiece by one of our very own artists @harlymtats

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