Fire danger Chapter 8

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Alice Witmen was the first to scream. It was her library that had been set on fire. I suddenly remembered my nightmare. It was all coming true. No way. It can't be true. The whole room went up in panic. It startled me at first. People were crying, and screaming. Nothing like this ever happens in Deadwood. Arson had disappeared. This night of fun had turned into a night of tragedy. Now the question is, who set the library on fire, and when will they strike next. I stood there in disbelief, my favorite place in town is gone, in flames even. Alice was on the floor, crying. There is nothing I can do, I'm just a vampire, I can't do anything. I slowly walked out of the cafeteria. I tried to hold back tears, but I couldn't. I started crying. I didn't want anyone to see me so I ran home as fast as I could. As soon as I got in the front door I broke down and fell on the ground crying. If my dream was right about the library then it must be right about Vein. I went into my room, I couldn't sleep, I got an email. No school for the rest of the week. Thank god. I can't deal with school right now. I tossed and turned, no way I can sleep right now there is so much going on. What am I supposed to do? Arson disappeared after that. I don't even know where they went. I fell asleep somehow. I woke up from a knock on my door. Who could that be at this time? I walked out to the living room door and opened it. Arson? Oh my god it's Arson! They look sad. Why are they sad?

"Arson? Are you okay?" I asked. Why were they here at this time? They started crying. Oh fuck.

"N-No I'm not okay. Matter of fact I'm terrified even!" they yelled over sobs.

"What's going on? Why are you terrified?" I asked. Would they even tell me?

"Well, I'm afraid that I'm going to die. What if I get killed by the person who burned down the library?" Oh fuck. I mean I understand but why would they think that?

"You will be okay, I swear. I won't let anyone touch you" Why did I say that? No way they believe that. I felt a hand on my arm. What are they doing? Arson got closer to me. I started freaking out and pulled away.

"Hey! Don't move your face, I want to try something," They said. I decided to listen. Wait, are they planning to kiss me? Arson swiftly moved their face closer to mine and pressed their lips to mine. I started freaking out again and kissed them back. They pulled away and started laughing. Why were they laughing? Next thing I know, I'm on the ground. In a daze like I had just been poisoned. What is happening? What happened? Where am I? Is this another dream? It better be another dream! Why does this place look like the Deadwest cafeteria? Why does that dude look like Victor? WAIT, IT IS VICTOR! Why is he here? Wait, fuck is Arson secretly a bad person that used me to get something? 'Cause that's what this feels like!

"Alright, That's both of 'em." That voice was unfamiliar. I've never heard it before. I looked around a bit then I saw something, Vein? No! It can't be him. Right? No way that's him. It can't be!

"WHAT THE HELL DO YOU WANT WITH US!" Victor yelled. Why did he yell? Who did he yell at? The mayor walked in front of me. Well that answers that question. Why is the mayor here? Is Arson here? Suddenly I woke up. Oh fuck, it was a dream. Or was it? Eh, don't care! I got up and got ready. Where am I going today? I mean I don't have school. I don't need to get groceries. The library is gone, so I can't go there. So what are you going to do, Val? Maybe I'll explore the woods by the river! Yeah! That's what I'll do. I grabbed some things before leaving my house. As I walked out the front door there were footprints on my doormat. Those weren't there before. I'm not going to think about it too much. I walked into the woods just thinking about things. Mostly Vein, of course. I soon made it to the river, the river surrounded the town. It's what keeps me and the other vampires in. I found a rock to sit on. I pulled out a piece of paper and started writing a song to pass time. I saw something out of the corner of my eye on the other side of the river. What is that? It looked like another person. I tried to get a good look at their face but they were too far away. They started running over to the side of the river across from me. That's when I saw their face. It looked like Vein, but not quite him. Plus why would he be over there? There is no possible way for vampires to get over there! The person started to cross the river. I started freaking out cause what if I die! I decided to grab my stuff and run. I finally made it home. What was that thing? Why did it almost look like Vein? Well I'm going to go to bed now. I woke up in the Deadwest cafeteria again. I swear why does this keep happening?

"You sent out the kid today? YOU WEREN'T SUPPOSED TO DO THAT YET!" an unknown person yelled. Why were they yelling? What kid are they talking about? I looked around. I saw that person who looked like Vein again across from me. Who even is that?

"Vein? Is that you?" I called out. No way it's him.

"VAL, YES IT'S ME. HELP! PLEASE!" That sure as hell is Vein. WAIT ITS VEIN WHAT DO I DO?

"SHUT UP YOU TWO" the unknown person yelled. Then I was knocked out. The radio was on when I woke up.     

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