Skeleton Cemetery Chapter 5

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"GOOD MORNING DEADWOOD! It's me, Frank Stein, back for another radio report. I hope all you Deadwest Witches are excited for the big event tonight. It's gonna be so fun, it's scary. Hahaha, hopefully all those people aren't a fire danger. Haha, anyway here are our friends at the Skeleton Cemetery, Gerard and Helena. Take it away.



"Uh, Ahem, guys you're on."

"WHAT! OHH! UHHH, HELLO, HERE IS THE SONG WE HAVE FOR YOU GUYS... GERARD IT WAS ME." I turned the radio off not wanting to hear the song. Geez, I hate Frank Stein so much. Arson walked out of my room.

"Hey. Did you sleep well?" I asked

"Oh hell yeah I did! Dude, your bed is fucking comfy! Where did you get it?"

"I got it from that small furniture store by the library like two-ish years ago. Hey, want to go on a detour on the way to school? I want to visit the Skeleton Cemetery."

"Sure, I've never actually been there before."

"Oh it's great. Except for Gerard and Helena, the skeletons that run the place. They will probably tell you their story." Gerard and Helena are the most annoying skeletons EVER.

"Hehe, that's fine, I don't mind hearing their story." oh believe me, you will

"Haha, ok you might regret it! Anyway I'm gonna get dressed then we'll go" I went into my room and got dressed. As I walked out I noticed Arson looking at a picture.

"Who are these people?" They asked, pointing at the picture. Oh, that picture

"Those are my parents and...Vein." I said holding back tears

"Oh uh, ah, you look like you're about to cry, sorry I'm sorry I didn't know!" they gasped

"Oh, it's fine, I promise. You didn't know it's not your fault! I just get emotional talking about them." I wiped my tears

"Ah, ok, uh, we should probably go now, also I like that shirt you're wearing," they said. I nodded and we left the house. I had to lead the way to the cemetery.

"Well here we are at the cemetery! I'm surprised Helena and Gerard aren't out yet," I said. Hopefully they don't come out. I can't deal with them right now. I don't know how Arson will react to them either. Those two always fight.

"Your mind going again?"Arson asked. I jumped. I forgot they were with me.

"Ah, oh, yeah, it was. Uh, here I'll show you what I wanted to see, follow me." I led them to some tree's close to the edge of the cemetery. "Well here we are." I said, trying not to cry.

"Whose graves are these?" They asked. Damn don't cry Val.

"Ramona, and Adam Pierce. My mom and dad. That's who's buried here."

"Oh." the tears in my eyes suddenly disappeared, Why? Footsteps start coming toward us. I turned around. Dammit it's Gerard!

"AH VAL! I SEE YOU ARE HERE AGAIN TO VISIT YOUR PARENTS! I'll leave you alone then. WAIT A NEW PERSON. HELENA GET OVER HERE WE GOTTA TELL OUR STORY!" Gerard the skeleton yelled. Damn, I thought we were gonna be able to get out without seeing them. Helena came running over with her unusual boney run.

"WHO? WHAT? OUR STORY-oh hi Val come to see the parents again. Wait, who is that?" Helena said

"Oh, I'm Arson, nice to meet you." They sounded frightened. Did Helena and Gerard scare them? Fuck, I knew I shouldn't have brought them along.

"WELL YOU SEE OUR STORY IS FUN!" Helena yelled. Damn, they are already yelling. I could run away but that would be mean.

"It really isn't that fun. I just wanted to rest and not be brought back to life in some way." Gerard snapped.

"Well it's not my fault Gerard! I don't know what brought us back. Now let me tell the story"

"Fine!" ah here we go, the skeleton story again. This is the fourth time I've heard it.

"Good. So it all started on a stormy day. Obviously I rose first-"

"NOT TRUE! IT WAS ME! HELENA!" he interrupted

"WHAT! IT WAS ME GERARD, I SWEAR!" And there they go fighting again.

"DOES IT MATTER? JUST GET THE STORY DONE GUYS!" I yelled. They stood there in disbelief. I mean I hardly ever raise my voice.

"Ok, ok, geez. So we awoke on a dark stormy day at the same time the original grounds keeper had been struck by lightning. We both saw it, it was terrible. So I made the great decision to run the place ourselves and to rename it the Skeleton Cemetery. And the end, it's over!" Thank god! Finally!

"That was an amazing story you guys, thanks for telling us! But we really have to get going. We've already missed first period." Arson declared. What? OH right we have school.

"Welp, ok then, see ya later Val! HELENA, WE'VE BEEN OVER THIS! I ROSE FIRST!" Gerard yelled. I grabbed Arson and ran out of the cemetery as fast as I could. We finally got to school. Arson ran to their class as I was left behind.

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