Introduction to Deadwood Chapter 1

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The radio blared

"GOOODDDD MORRRRRNIIIIGGG RESIDENTS OF DEADWOOD! Welcome back to your amazing radio report, I'm your host Frank Stein and no my middle name is not 'in' it's Alistair. Anyway I hope all you eighteen ~UH OOPS~ seventeen Vampires are doing well, now here's Al with the weather" he babbled on, his words phased out as my mind wandered to my past. Vein, my younger brother, went missing recently. Us vampires can't leave the town of Deadwood, we got cursed about thirteen years ago by an unknown witch. So my brother's disappearance stumped us all. Deadwood is a small town with not that many people. We always know who leaves town and when they come back. I turned the radio off and left my tiny house in the woods. I lived alone. I didn't get along well with the other vampires and my parents aren't alive anymore. I've been distant since Vein disappeared. I popped headphones in and played my favorite song Chemical Lover Boy and tuned everything out. I went to town and wandered aimlessly around. It was about a week before Halloween so the town was booming with excitement. We take Halloween very seriously here. I rounded a corner and bumped into Victor

"What's up Valentine Pierce? How's it going?" he yelled. God, I hate that name. I ignored him. I didn't want to deal with him right now. "Hey! Where you going? I'm talking to you!"

"What! What do you want!" I snapped, turning back to him. Victor was tall with blonde hair and red eyes. His eyes are a darker red than the rest of us. He's been around the longest. He's the oldest, twenty-one to be exact. His past is unknown. He doesn't like talking about it.

"Hey, how's your brother doing? Ope, forgot haha" he smirked. Anger flared through me. How could he taunt me like that! I punched him. My hand collided with a thud. I turned and ran to the library. I hated Victor, just because I was different doesn't mean he can be rude to me. I regret ever hanging out with him. My anger hadn't died down by the time I got to the library. I went to the farthest corner, away from everyone. I pulled out a paper and drew. I found that the lines started to form my lost brother. I fought tears as memories welled up. No, not here. I crumpled up the paper and threw it in the trash. I tried to draw again, but it kept becoming Vein. I gave up and grabbed a book called 'Vampire Chronicles' ironically . Trying to lose myself in the story, get away from my own thoughts, I couldn't deal with them now. 

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