That did surprise me. My safety? Why was he concerned about my safety? I can very well take care of myself. He must have seen the look of confusion in my face because he proceeded to explaining himself right after.

"We don't know who in the pack is a hidden hunter and right now, you are their number one target! Who's to say they won't receive orders to take you down? You're vulnerable here Hayley, and I know you can defend yourself but you can't keep your guard up 24/7. Especially against an enemy you know nothing about. So yes I'm going inside with you, and I'm not going to hear a single complain coming from you."

"Fine." I agree annoyed. I guess we will have to see about that.

I go up to the front door and ring the doorbell.

It took less than a minute to hear footsteps approaching, and eventually the door being opened. Marianne seemed surprised to see us but she greeted us kindly.

"I'm sorry for coming unannounced." I tell her as she leads us inside her home.

"It's quite alright. I'm always up for visitors." she says as she leads us to her living room "Would any of you like anything to drink? Some coffee perhaps? Tea?...Beer?" she asks the last one with a teasing glance towards me.

"A beer would be nice." I agree quickly. Alcohol is perhaps exactly what I need right now.

"None for me thank you." Julius replies as he accesses the house.

Marianne smiles and goes to grab our drinks.

The house was open-concept so she was never out of our sights.

"Where's Caleb?" I find myself asking not seeing him anywhere.

"He's taking a nap right now. He was at a friend's birthday party today so he's a little more tired than usual." she says as she comes back "He should be up soon."

She gives me a beer and I look amused at the label. She is quick to notice my expression.

"Oliver got me addictive to the bloody drink." she explains with a found smile "It was a nightmare not being able to drink it while I was pregnant."

"He always was quite found of this beer." I smile fondly "Never could drink anything else."

"Tell me about it." she says rolling her eyes in fake exasperation "One time I had this really romantic dinner planned for us. I even bought one of those fancy wines that cost more than they should, and he simply refused to drink it. Goddess, it got me so mad!"

I chuckle at the picture she painted.

"Then he even had the nerve to propose to me while I was yelling at him!" she tells us

"I guess that was one way to shut you up." Julius comments with an amused smile

"Actually he got a punch in the nose for that one." she informs us with an amused smile "Then I told him of course I'll marry you, you idiot! And then I kissed him senseless. In fact, I often think that Caleb was conceived that night."

Nobody said anything after that.

"How long... how long were you married before...?" I try asking her curious.

"Three months, give or take." she responds unconsciously laying with her ring on her left hand. Her wedding ring, I notice.

"You still wear it." I state examining the ring in her finger. She looks at me confused. "Your wedding ring." I elaborate.

"Oh" she says not even noticing she was playing with her ring. "Of course. He's my mate. In life and in death, that was my promise to him."

I tense at her response, and I could tell Julius stood very rigid in his seat.

Star-Crossed Enemies ✔️Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora