Dad was young? [PT:5]

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“Bad?” they snorted.

Tommy winced, “I can explain myself-” Phil turning in his chair just to face him, opening his arms as a promise he'd never speak poorly of Tommy, the youngest stepped closer and had Dad hug him as he looked at Techno. Somehow even more Embarrassed as he glared at Techno in a moment of silence.

Techno just watched. His face softening as he realized what was happening. He'd seen deer and rabbit give him that same stare. chuckled, auditory hallucinations whirring as they fell on deaf ears and, like always, he ignored them. He decided he'd make it clear, any friend of Phil was decided as okay enough to be tested, see how much faith he'd have in them.
“Phil's old, and with that, he has old man syndrome.”

“Oh You little-” Phil started, turned and let go just to glare at Techno as they put their pointer up like a demand to quiet them, Phil rolled his eyes.

“He can't talk bad about children.”

Tommy smiled a bit, looking at Phil, dad's face like he'd been through this hundreds of times, tired and annoyed of what the other would say but with a hint of humor, a small smile as he protested.

Techno grabbed one of the chairs across from Phil, sitting down and looking at tommy as they walked to stand in front of them, but with a bit of distance, respect of the stories that bubblegum haired teacher would give.
“When him and I were kids, he was daring,”


“He even bested me, was one of the strongest to ever exist...”
What happened, what happened? Tommy sat down next to them, scooting closer in absolute fascination with what Phil was like before he was a principal, husband and father.

“And then he got into women.”


Tommy burst out laughing as Techno continued, small chuckles in their voice as they did.

“This guy, dropped his ENTIRE fighting career for a girl. Would never stop talking about her, 'oh,, kristin that, kristin, kristin marry me kristin.'” Techno mimicked in a lowered pitched voice, a small rumble added as he pretended to be philza. Tommy coughing, his vision blurred as he struggled to take in an actual breath. Both Tommy and Techno laughing now, Phil looking slightly amused, but other than that, looked entirely ready to drop techno's payroll.

“Holy sHIT-” Tommy coughed, so hard he expected his lungs to be gone. It hurt but my god it was hilarious to him.

That's how most of the morning went. An annoyed dad and a teacher that knew his stories, them occasionally sharing glares and Phil adjusting papers he'd staple together just to shake his head and fight back with a story of Techno. Tommy was much more interested in Phil's, to bring them up later but Techno's stories were interesting. They were definitely the brain and the bronze, dual wielding both to his advantage and it was really interesting to hear. Wanted to be like that himself, but Phil definitely had more social stories, just dumb Phil being dumb Phil; it made him smile, But Phil was smart now, no? He was wise more than anything, it sounded like he pushed his limits just to learn faster. Tommy smiled, braces with blue bands that just made his smile brighter. Would he ever admit he wanted to be like them? No, not at all. Never out loud, at least.

“So.. you're old, too” looked at Technoblade, who opened his mouth to talk before the bell rang.

Techno was on guard duty for the courtyard, so Tommy followed him out and stood next to him as they stood next to another one. It was a.. darker spotted guy with entirely black eyes with dark green and another, lighter green bottom half of their eyelid that was complimented with said dark spots. A vest to Protect himself in gold as the belt he'd has on matched, they were actually in a security uniform, his hair green and black as it parted with less Black than Green, they knelt down to shake Tommy's hand. A gold crown similar to Techno's but a lot more spikey. It scared Tommy.

But the guy said a “Hello,” and they just smiled at him, couldn't see their mouth but their eyes were really expressive. Shaking hands with Tommy just to ask a small “You're the principals son, right?” Tommy nodded, and sam hummed.

“Nice to meet you, my name is Sam.” stood back up because kids had been getting off the bus. It caught Tommy's attention.

Tommy raised his hands. “Wait a moment, I'll bring my friends back I swear”

Sam looked at Techno “The quiet type?” to which Techno shook his head with a grunt.
“The opposite, actually.”
Sam looked at Tommy, then back. “I don't think we have to worry about him making trouble.”

Techno grunted, crossing his arms as he looked at Tommy, too. “You know fully how aggressive the students can be. I just hope he doesn't get involved in anything he shouldn't.”

The three of us. /Bench Trio/Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin