Wang Yibo was the first to recover from that long stare, "Okay. I will always come to visit you so you can show me around the whole village just like in old times. I'll see you tomorrow." They parted after Xiao Zhan bid him goodbye.

"Why am I feeling this way? Why am I even smiling? I think I'm going crazy!" Xiao Zhan whispered to himself while going back inside. "I just want to see him again! But I love Hoa Xuan... I'm confused!" Xiao Zhan's heart and mind were in deep thoughts and don't even know who he was thinking about, but all he knows is that he wants to see Yibo again.


Days went on, and Hoa Xuan's resolve began to falter the more time went on, he had, after much hesitation, placed several phone calls to Xiao Zhan he was not picking up. He wondered if he had indeed moved on to someone else. 

That thought upset him more than he cared to admit to himself. It was true that the beautiful city boy had been visiting him and had always spent time with him but he missed his boyfriend and doesn't think he can stand it if he truly moved on from him.

Jiyang had become a regular visitor in Hoa Xuan's house and Hoa Xuan was indeed happy to have him around but then again, what about Xiao Zhan? Why is he not coming? Why is he not picking his calls? Hoa Xuan was going crazy and decided to shake off his despair by visiting his friends; Dylan and Chen. He met them sitting outside and on the look of things, both of them are arguing as they used to since he saw how gloomy Dylan's face was while reprimanding Chen who seemed angry over something he knew nothing about. 

Hoa Xuan saw the tension between them but his countenance was off for him to think or ask them about it. He took his seat on a recliner and closed his eyes and the two looked at each other and back at him. 

"Dude, what is wrong? You're gradually becoming a despondent fellow of late. Always moody, with barely a smile anymore. Don't tell us you're still thinking of Xiao Zhan; the so-called pest you drove away?" Dylan said, half laughing. 

Hoa Xuan remained silent, frowning was the only response he gave to Dylan's taunt. "Forget about that boy, please!" Chen said rather, harshly, "I can't believe he's eating you up this much. I have told you that he will still come back to beg for your forgiveness. Be a man and enjoy your freedom now you have it. At least, you have a city boy who is out to get you. Don't you want him? Go for him and forget that Zhan boy, or do you now want to play the bottom role?" He asked and eyed Dylan who was glaring at him all this while for uttering rubbish.

"But it's been two weeks now, Chen." Hoa Xuan said, exasperated. "When will he come back? I have the city boy, but I want my boyfriend back."

"Can you hear yourself speak? Do you want both of them? Okay, maybe Zhan will come back after three years as you suggested. Just be patient and enjoy your city boy while it lasts." Dylan mocked. Hoa Xuan was seething now but he restrained himself from punching his friend. 

Dylan continued, undeterred, "By the way Xuan, with all this your sadness, are you ready to marry him if he comes back or you will still ask him to wait?"

Hoa Xuan was so annoyed at the question that he lunged at Dylan but Dylan nimbly dodged his attack. Chen had to restrain Hoa Xuan, he was clearly ready to fight with Dylan. "Are you crazy?" Hoa Xuan shouted, "How many times will I tell you to stop meddling in my private affairs? Have I not made it clear to you that I'm not yet ready for marriage?"

"Then why are you dampening our mood with your insincere sadness? Let him alone if you're not ready. Why do you want to tie him down? Let him go and find someone who is successful and serious-minded and ready to settle down!" Dylan shot back. "In fact, I'm done with this meaningless conversation! Chen has ruined my mood enough to have you add to it. You, come with me!" Dylan pulled Chen inside and locked the door behind.

Hoa Xuan stood and heard Chen's screaming voices as Dylan was scolding him for the rubbish he uttered and since Chen was already angry with their previous conversation before Hoa Xuan came, he lashed out on Dylan and Dylan who was already angry ended up beating the shit out of him and still refused to open the door for him to run away as he used to. He cannot condone insulting Xiao Zhan anymore and wants to teach him a lesson. They used to be best friends for God's sake.

Hoa Xuan left on seeing he couldn't help his friend from the furious Dylan and went home. While he was coming here, someone was trailing behind him and the person heard the conversation going on between Hoa Xuan and his friends. 

He became angry and jealous and thought, "Xiao Zhan? Don't tell me Xiao Zhan was the same Xiao Zhan that had been coming to our house to see my brother? What a shameless slut! That whore has Hoa Xuan and is still seeing my brother? He has to choose! He either leaves Hoa Xuan for me and has my brother or I'll make sure he loses both of them!" Jiyang, who was the person gritted in anger, his fist tightly clenched.

"First of all, I have to do something and I must do it fast! I want Hoa Xuan and he won't be an obstacle to that!" Jiyang said and started hiding inside the bushes while stalking Hoa Xuan no longer minding the beautiful skin he cared so much about ruining, all that matters is getting Hoa Xuan whether crook or hook.

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