Chapter 25

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Lilith scoffed at what Van Helsing had said. "Are you truly being serious with that ridiculous suggestion? You want me to try and be civil, even though you had no issue with killing me in the past life? How in the hell am I supposed to try and be civil with you? How can I be sure that you won't try and kill me again; much like you have done before?"

"Lilith you already know that if I wanted you dead, you would have been dead the moment that I was introduced to you as your partner. Besides, why would I go and kill the one woman who holds my heart in her hands," Van Helsing asked.

"Oh don't you dare try it, Gabriel. Lilith doesn't love you like you love her. You and I both already know that Lilith's heart belongs to me and me alone. Why don't you go for a woman who returns your feelings that you hold for my Lilith? Maybe then you can move on with your life and leave my woman alone," Dracula said causing everyone to turn and look at him. "Unless you don't think so highly of poor Anna; then I don't have any issues with killing her myself."

"If you so much as lay a single finger on Anna's head, I will tear you limb from limb. I won't allow you to live and be happy with Lilith. I'll kill you and spare her an eternity of misery by your side," Van Helsing growled out.

"I don't want to move on! I don't want to forget about Vlad. He's the one that holds my heart. So, if you do go and kill him, you might as well end my life too. Because if you kill Vlad, I'm as good as dead," Lilith snapped at Van Helsing.

"There is no point in arguing with her about this Van Helsing. Her mind is simply made up. I know you don't want to hear this, but if you kill Dracula, then you have to kill her too. Respect her wishes," Anna said.

"No! I won't go and kill her. I'll make sure she doesn't kill herself either. Even if it means that I have to have her locked away; at least I will have peace of mind, knowing that Lilith is safe and alive. I will know that Lilith has never left me," Van Helsing said. "But Dracula must die." Van Helsing went to lung for Dracula only to have Lilith lunge for Van Helsing. Van Helsing transformed and bit down on Lilith's neck not realizing it was her until it was too late.

"Lilith! No! My love, why would you do something as foolish as put yourself in harms way like that," Dracula asked walking over to Lilith kneeling down and picking her up, holding her close.

Lilith smiled up at Dracula. "I sacrificed myself to save you, because that is what love is all about. I couldn't bare the thought of living without you. Please my love forgive me for not being strong enough to put an end to the fighting."

"Don't say that my love. You are one of the strongest people I know. You have been through many trying moments in your life. Each moment you managed to conquer. This will be no different from the rest of those moments. You just wait," Dracula said.

"My love there is no need to try and make this seem like it's a simple scratch that will heal within a few days. No need to try and beat around the bush with me either. I already know that I'm dying. I accept that. I wouldn't change what I had done either. If I had to go back in time to stop myself from saving you, I wouldn't do it. Because I cherish you too much to let you go. Just promise me, that you won't become careless from this," Lilith asked as she felt her energy drain from her body.

"I cannot promise anything my love. Everything that I had done, I did it because of you. What am I to do without you by myside? Yes I know I made the mistake of going and turning three other women into vampires and had them as my brides, but they were nothing compared to you. I only turned them so I could try and get over the fact that I would never get to see your beautiful face again. I couldn't bare the fact that I would never get to hold you close in my arms and tell you how much I truly love you," Dracula said, trying not to break down crying.

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