Chapter 21

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Van Helsing, Carl and Anna walked to the doors of the castle, only to find that they had been locked from the inside.

"Oh well, I guess Dracula is trying to send us a message. Message received loud and clear. We will be on our way back now," Carl said.

Van Helsing was quick to grab the back of Carl's robes, preventing him from walking away. "Just because we can't go waltzing through the front doors, doesn't mean that there isn't another way for us to get in. Besides, I found another way for us to get in. We're going to be entering the castle through the windows." Van Helsing wrapped an arm around Anna's waist as Carl spoke up.

"How on earth are we gonna get up that high," Carl asked before Van Helsing jumped to the window; Van Helsing then jumped down landing safely while holding tight to Carl and Anna. A second later, Van Helsing pulled both Anna and Carl to hide behind a pillar, as they heard the voice of Igor approaching, while mumbling to himself.

"Igor do this, Igor do that. Igor get the lab ready. Igor make sure Lilith's favorite wine is in the room. I'll be glad once we manage to bring the master's young to life; as well as the moment he finally goes through with turning that pushy woman that he loves so much. Hopefully when he finally turns her, he will gain some control over her, and she will learn to show a little respect towards me," Igor mumbled to himself disgusted.

Van Helsing growled before leaping out from hiding and attacking Igor, pinning him against a wall. "How dare you speak about Lilith that way. Lilith would never give into your master. She knows where she truly belongs. And it's not with Dracula." Both Carl and Anna caught up to Van Helsing standing behind him, watching as he lost his temper with Igor.

"Van Helsing, don't kill him. He could be of use," Anna said while trying to hide the hurt that flowed in her eyes.

Igor managed to catch a glimpse of the hurt and decided to use it to his own advantage. "Why do you fight so hard to save a woman who doesn't love you the same way you love her? Why go through all the trouble to hurt the one woman who actually has strong feelings for you? It's quite clear as day to everyone that, the princess has feelings for you. Why don't you forget about the master's wife. It's only a matter of time before she realizes that you are the one who is truly lying to her about her past."

"Yeah. It's your master who is lying to her. He's trying to make it so Lilith trusts him, so he can turn her," Van Helsing said.

"Say what you will. But you cannot stop the master from righting the wrongs that were committed against him all those years ago," Igor said.

"I know what you're trying to do. You're trying to distract me, that way your master can bring his young to life, and kill Lilit," Van Helsing growled out. "You will be a good little bitch boy and lead both Anna and Carl to the cure."

"No I won't," Igor said.

Van Helsing growled and slammed Igor against the wall harder than the first time. "What did you just say?"

"Yes I will," Igor replied.

"That's what I thought," Van Helsing said while picking up a scissor like thing, showing it to Anna. "If you feel like he's giving you trouble, or lying to you, cut one of his fingers off."

Anna grabbed the tool glaring at Igor as Van Helsing let him go. "I'll cut off more than his damn fingers. I'll cut out his tongue, and make sure he can never speak another word. I'll also cut off other parts so he won't ever have kids of his own; though we already know that no woman in their right mind would want to share a bed with this sad excuse for a man. I mean should he ever get married; he would sacrifice her to feed his master's hunger."

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