Chapter 23

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Anna looked at Lilith in shock. "You truly don't care what Van Helsing has to say about you sacrificing yourself? Are you afraid that he will try and stop you?"

"Let Van Helsing try and stop me. It doesn't matter if he's in his human form, or if he's in his werewolf form. He won't succeed in stopping me from what I choose to do. If I choose to sacrifice myself, that is what I plan to do. Nobody will stop me from doing so either," Lilith said. Besides I have every intention of being with my love one way or another. Not that you need to know about that, Lilith thought to herself. "Come now! We don't have time to stand around chatting about this. We have to get the cure to Van Helsing and save him from becoming a minion of Dracula's."

"Do you have feelings for Van Helsing," Anna blurted out before she could stop herself.

Lilith looked at Anna in shock. "What in the hell kind of question is that? I thought I made it clear to everyone that Gabriel and I are strictly friends, and nothing more. There is already a man who owns my heart."

"Who," Anna asked.

"There is a time and place for everything. But now is not the time to stand around asking questions about who it is that holds my heart. Now if you truly care for Van Helsing, you will get the cure to him as quick as you can. Unless you lied about that," Lilith challenged.

Anna gave a slight glare before responding. "I do care deeply for Van Helsing. But I doubt he returns my feelings. I'm not blind. I see the way that he looks at you. Van Helsing wishes to have you by his side."

"He won't get me. I see him as a friend. Now let's get a move on, so you can show Van Helsing that you are the one that he's supposed to be with," Lilith snapped before grabbing a hold of Anna; rushing to where Dracula and Van Helsing were fighting.

"Oh Grabriel...why do you fight for the affections of a woman, who doesn't return the feeling," Dracula questioned, knowing he struck a nerve in Van Helsing.

Van Helsing laughed. "You don't know that. You're used to brainwashing Lilith into thinking that she's in love with you. You had done it once before. And you're doing it again. Why can't you allow Lilith to be free and happy? Allow her to pick who she wants to be with."

"I understand that this rejection is so hard for you. You were never able to handle it before. That is why you killed her all those years ago. You couldn't stand to see her happy with me. You couldn't stand that we moved up the date that we were supposed to get married; that way Lilith and I could have a family together. You made it quite obvious that you wanted my Lilith all for yourself. Too bad you won't ever have her sweet love," Dracula taunted.

"What in the hell is that supposed to mean? I doubt that Lilith allowed you to do anything intimate with her. She's not the kind of girl, who would go and jump right into bed with someone. She has her morals that she stands by," Van Helsing said.

Dracula laughed at how dense Van Helsing was. "Oh Gabriel you forget that I already know that my Lilith would never jump into bed with just anyone. But I'm not just anyone to her. I'm the man that she was set to marry. I am the very man that she fell in love with all those years ago. You couldn't stand knowing that all those years ago; and you can't stand it now, knowing that Lilith's heart belongs to me, and me alone. Why do you continue to put yourself through that kind of torture Gabriel?"

"Because you don't deserve someone as pure as Lilith. You didn't deserve her back then; and you sure as hell don't deserve her now. The sooner Lilith realizes that you're a no-good monster, who will end up killing her, the better off she will be," Van Helsing snapped before transforming into a wolf, shocking Dracula.

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