•~Chapter 12: A Night To Remember~•

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This happened when Oceania was being attacked.

Third Person POV:

Tanjiro sat at the head chair of the grand table. He was very nervous.

There were so many people around. And the ball was all for him!

His mother sat beside him, patting him on the arm to try and settle her son's nerves.

Nezuko was sitting on his other side, telling him, "You did great during the coronation. Tonight's the night to have fun and celebrate!"

His siblings were also there, playing with other kids from town, and they had gone off to who knows where.

He stood up, and went to the hall of the castle, where the grand staircase was.

As he walked, he saw other girls blushing, and pointing him out. He mentally facepalmed at their silly antics to try and get a dance.

He sat on one of the lush, velvet sofas in the hall, just to take a break from all the noise and celebrating.

A sudden noise made him look up. His face started turning redder than his hair.

There was Kanao, at the top of the stairs. Her raven hair fell around her shoulders, and she wore a midnight purple ball gown.

Girls from all sides looked on jealously as Tanjiro stood up and walked slowly to the foot of the stairs. Kanao walked down the stairs, arm in arm with Sakiya and Luna.

She looked so delicate and...fragile.

At last, Kanao got to the bottom of the stairs.

"K-kanao..." Tanjiro said, at a loss for words. "Y-you look...beautiful!"

The two began to blush. In the ballroom, they heard a waltz start up.

Tanjiro held out his hand. "May I have this dance?"

Kanao nodded, turning pink

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Kanao nodded, turning pink. The two linked arms, and made their way to the ball room.

As the waltz began, Tanjiro placed his hand on Kanao's shoulder and waist. She placed her hands on his shoulders.

The two began to dance, at first a bit awkwardly, but then they began to get more comfortable.

Minutes passed, turning into almost an hour as the two danced, different songs beginning and ending.

They wanted to stay like this...forever.


Third Person (in Nezuko's view):

Nezuko stayed seated. She watched as her older brother and Kanao waltz around the dance floor.

She felt a bit sad that nobody had come up to her and asked for a dance yet.

At least, that's what she thought.

She heard a small cough behind her, and she couldn't help but let out a small gasp as she looked into a pair of familiar deep brown eyes.

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