•~Chapter 10: Questions~•

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Maybe this chapter was mainly for shipping purposes?

Third Person POV:

As the sun peeked over the mountaintops, Tanjiro was beginning to get a little frustrated, which was very unlike him.

He wanted very much to help Kanao, Zenitsu, and Toma in whatever they were doing...looking for that red pearl or whatnot...but so far he could find absolutely nothing in any of his books!

He had tried to find some information so hard that he didn't sleep the night before.

Seeing no way to find anything (judging by the piles of books already read and 'discarded'), he changed into a dark red yukata, with his green haori over it. 

He placed the books back on their proper shelves and went out of his room to go find Zenitsu.

And speaking of a certain blonde...

As Tanjiro turned the corner to go down the stairs, he almost crashed into the blonde he was looking for.

"Oh hello!" Tanjiro said politely.

"Hello...Tanjiro, was it?" Zenitsu asked. "I'm Zenitsu, and your sister Nezuko invited me over."

"I hope you're enjoying your stay with us!" Tanjiro said, still smiling widely.

Zenitsu felt a little uncomfortable under the gaze of the burgundy haired boy. Although he was smiling, Zenitsu heard faint sounds of him being irked.

"Is there something you needed me for?" Zenitsu asked, with a hint of uncertainty in his voice.

"Actually, I did!" Tanjiro said, his smile becoming the slightest bit forced. "I wanted to ask you a question."

Zenitsu began to sweat a bit. "W-what's that, Tanjiro?"

"Are you in a relationship with Kanao?" Tanjiro asked, with a threatening smile.

That question caught Zenitsu off guard. "Why do you ask that?"

Looking away and playing with his earrings, Tanjiro asked, "Just wondering."

"And you said with Kanao?" Zenitsu asked.

'Yes' was the monotone reply.

"Oh, I'm not in a relationship with Kanao." Zenitsu said.

"Do you like her or something?" Tanjiro pushed.

"Oh, no, we've known each other since we were little kids. She's almost like an older sister to me." Zenitsu said, smiling at the thought of them as children.

 "If it weren't for her I would have never had any frien- hey, why are you smiling like that?"

For Tanjiro's face had broken out into a happy grin. He was relieved.

"Thanks for letting me know!" Tanjiro said happily, leaving Zenitsu's last question unanswered. 

And with that, he walked away, with a newfound bounce in his step, leaving Zenitsu standing behind him in the hallway looking throughly confused.

Tanjiro was happy beyond relief. He found it nice that Zenitsu and Kanao weren't in any sort of relationship.

He walked out to the castle garden, still with a bounce in his step. He had always loved it there as a child, having picnics with his family and playing hide and seek with his siblings.

As he passed lovely bushes of roses, and cherry blossom trees in full bloom, he heard a small snore. It was so quiet, that if you listened to the wind and nothing else, you couldn't hear it.

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