RULE #11

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A Malfoy Must Never Fall:

Draco remembers the most important rule of all. Keeping the Malfoy name relevant and as important as possible in high society. Throwing vast parties, showing off their endless riches, securing government positions and showing all those worthless blood traitor families how high up the Malfoy family was in comparison to theirs. No more. The Malfoy name fell with the Dark Lord's short-lived reign. It was about as low as the Weaseley's name once was, an ironic twist to being on the wrong side of the war. With his father locked back up in Azkaban for the next century and his mother only being a Malfoy by marriage it was up to restore the family name to its former glory. In the new, tolerant wizarding world it will have to be done in a far different way from the old-fashioned Malfoy tactics. Draco himself could not do it. His father had poisoned him with the old ways and twisted his mind for far too long. It was too late for him. Draco knew that despite his now changed outlook, his eyes now opened wide to the reality around him, he would never be taken seriously in the new, pro-muggle society. His chance was gone. It would take a new breed of Malfoy to restore their former glory. This time they would not fall. Not ever again. Draco was sure of it.

"And make sure to send your mother, grandmother and I a letter everyday to let us know how you're fairing at Hogwarts. Leave absolutely nothing out, you know how your grandmother worries,". Draco said as he straightened Scorpius' tie. They were right in front of the Hogwarts Express preparing Scorpius for his first year at Hogwarts. Draco had already warned him about Peeves and Filch roaming the halls at night while Astoria instructed him on proper study habits and mannerisms towards the teachers and staff. Astoria. The one thing in his life he had chosen for himself. She was beautiful, intelligent, sweet and best of all wanted Draco for himself. Even after the Malfoy name fell she was still there with open arms. Together they would rebuild it. Together they would change it.

"What if I don't end up in Slytherin, father?" Scorpius' lip trembled at the very thought of ending up in a different house from his beloved father and mother's. Draco first looked at his wife who smiled gently at him and then he turned his grey eyes to the matching set staring up at him.

"It doesn't matter what house you end up in, Scorpius. As long as you're happy and healthy, that is all that matters to us," Draco wisely and truthfully replied as he stroked his son's hair. In the distance he saw Potter and his gang and he couldn't help but nod in their direction as he turned back to his only son, the only child he had in this world who was about to be whisked miles away from him for the first time in his young life. Draco could feel the tears prick his eyes as he watched Astoria embrace their son one last time. He forced them back. Draco would be strong. For Scorpius. For Astoria. For his mother. Not as a Malfoy but as Draco, the father, the husband, and lastly the son. That was all that mattered now.

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