A Little Too Not Over You

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Ralph was a little too excited and nervous for his own good.

Why wouldn't he feel that way? He was going back to America.

He didn't know what came over him at the airport—he just felt like he had to come home. He wasn't going to deny the fact that part of the reason he was coming home, was Kyle—to talk to him, to see him, and hopefully get back with him. He still wasn't sure about the last one, but one thing he was sure about was his feelings for him.

He hadn't told anyone that he was coming back, because he wasn't sure if he was going to stay.

Sitting on his designated seat on the plane, he took a deep breath and sighed as he closed his eyes. He has approximately 13 hours to think about what to do once he is back in America.

"That's more than enough time," he said to himself. "Right?"

Turned out, it wasn't enough time as he chose to sleep on the plane, instead of thinking about what he was going to do.

Now, they have just landed on the runway of one of Arizona's international airports.

Ralph stared into space as he heard the voice of the captain through the intercom. He didn't quite know what to feel at the moment—now that he was back in America. It felt like he was all over the place.

Excited? Yes.

Nervous? Hell yes.

Tired? Fuck yes.

Happy? Unsure.

Homey? Damn right.

After exiting the plane and getting his luggage, the tiredness of his body seemed to kick in. Sleeping in a sitting position was not an ideal position to sleep in—it felt horrible. One good reason was that it hurts your neck like a fucking bitch.

He peeked from his phone to check the time. 1:27 am, it read.

"Well, fuck me," he said to himself as he hailed a taxi cab outside the airport.

When the taxi arrived, he uttered a small thanks to the driver for helping him with his luggage before he got comfortable in the backseat of the car. He shivered slightly at the coldness brought by the air-conditioning.

He smiled tiredly as he looked outside from the window of the car.

Not much has changed, has it? Same old Arizona.

When the area started to feel familiar, he started to feel clammy, and he knew why. They were nearing his apartment. A lot of things happened at his apartment—things that involved a certain man that went by the name, Kyle.

He had a big question mark at the back of his mind—asking himself if he really wanted to do this. But at the same time, he wanted everything to get better. Would it get better now that he was back home?

Hopefully, yes. Even if it scared him of what might happen, there was no turning back now.

So, when he arrived at the 30th floor—where his apartment was—he sighed as he stood outside the door with his luggage in tow. He fished his wallet inside his backpack to get his apartment key as he smiled ever so slightly.

"Welcome home, self," he said to no one but himself.

He was about to put the key inside the keyhole when the door suddenly opened.

"What the fu—" Ralph started to say but cut himself off when he saw who was in front of him.

"Jesus fucking Christ!" the other person cursed, though it was muffled by the facemask he was wearing. He looked startled as if he had been caught doing something he shouldn't have. "Raffy?"

Kyle stood there, ever in his handsome glory, with a bandana on his head as beads of sweat were rolling down his arms and face. He looked shocked as he loosened a grip on what seemed to be a black trash bag he was holding. His cute brown eyes widened as he stared at Ralph with obvious longing and unanswered questions on his covered face.

Ralph felt like time had been frozen, and he hated it. It made him remember the time when Kyle made him feel exactly like this. He hated how his heart beat so erratically like it was going to pop out of his chest at any given minute. He hated how he could not say literally anything—not even a 'hello' or a 'how are you?'. He made him feel speechless, like a fish caught out of the water—nervous, dying, and wet.

"W-what are you doing here?" Kyle chuckled deeply as he stuttered, his eyes twinkling...with happiness?

Ralph snapped out of his trance and raised an eyebrow. "I-um, well, uh, shouldn't I be asking you that question?"

Don't fucking stammer, Ralph. Get a fucking grip!

"I, um, clean your place once a week, since I still had the spare key you gave me, so I thought, why not?" Kyle shrugged his shoulders as he smiled. "But usually, I don't do it this late. Just this time since I worked overtime today—yesterday, you know what I mean."

Wait, what?

"I hope you don't mind. It's just that—I feel like I've grown attached to your apartment. I mean, we did spend some quality time here when we were, you know, together."

Was Ralph hearing things or was that actual sadness?

Kyle cleared his throat and chuckled. "But now you're back, I guess I won't be needed anymore."

Ralph didn't know what kind of spirit possessed him because he didn't hesitate a bit when he pulled Kyle in for a tight hug, surprising the latter as he didn't expect it. He encircled his arms around Kyle's sweaty body, not caring that Kyle was probably dirty from cleaning his place.

It had been so long since he last saw him, and his first instinct was to drop everything and just hug him. Here he was in the airport earlier debating what to do if he saw him when all he needed to do, was just hug him.

"Woah, I'm kind of dirty, Raf," Kyle said, laughing. Though, he did drop the bag he was holding and hugged back just as tightly as he could.

"God, I've missed you, Kyle," Ralph managed to say as he buried his face in the crook of Kyle's neck, feeling overwhelmed with emotions. "So fucking much."

"I've missed you too, Raffy,"

"Please, don't leave me again,"

"I'm not letting you go this time," 

Misguided Ghost (boyxboy)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora