"Yea, the hero department there requested that some of the heroes from Japan help out with their extremely high crime rates."


"I think Kaminari will be going as well," I added.


"Kacchan I don't think that's very nice to say-"


"Er guys please don't fight in the middle of the street everyone is going to start looking at us like we're weirdos."

"Anyways, how long will you be gone for?"

"I'm not sure maybe a few years?"

"That's quite long. Did you tell Niko about it?"

Upon hearing Niko's name, Bakugou's ears perked up and he stopped shouting.

"I suggested that she follow me there but her father doesn't seem to be pleased about that."

"It's normal, that old man hates  the fact that none of his children wants to take over his company. Niko was basically forced to do so after her older sister rebelled against him."

"Wow Kacchan, it's the first time I've seen you say a sentence without screaming," Midoriya added as he laughed.


"Alright calm down calm down."

I shook my head as we continued to patrol talking as we were doing so with Bakugou's occasional screams which was very entertaining.

Niko's POV

I reached the store and parked my car about 10 mins later. As I walked in the employees bowed and I asked them to show me to the VIP room.

At the entrance of the VIP room I saw an employee standing outside.

"Are you the one who called me?" The employee nodded his head timidly.

"While I go into settle this customer would you be a dear and help me ring up my secretary." The employee nodded as I smiled and knocked on the door before I went in.

"Ah, finally someone is here."

"Yes ma'am I apologise for being late, I was attending to something. How may I help you?"

"Attending to something? What can be more important than a VIP customer?!"

"I am deeply sorry about that. Anyways I am here now so how may I be of assistance?"

"Well your products have irritated my skin and I demand a refund and compensation or I'll ask my husband to buy over this store and fire all of you."

"Do you have any evidence that our products irritated your skin. How do we know if you're true to your words?"

"How dare you insult me. Don't you know who I am?"

"I am sorry, I don't. Care to enlighten me?"

"A mere lowly store employee dares to speak down to me? I'll make you pay, now listen up you lowly creature I am the wife of the CEO of the Kim Company."

"The Kim Company?"

"Hah you're scared now aren't you, my husband can buy over your whole company and make you bankrupt."

I laughed at her statement and that seemed to make her more furious, that was evident when she stood up from her seat and slapped me across the face. 

"Oh wow. That was harsh."

As soon as that slap was given off, the door opened.

"Ms Hitori are you alright?" Kaito asked when he saw the red spot on my cheek.

"I'm fine. I need you to call CEO Kim from the Kim Company right now and tell him he has 5 mins to get down here."

"I'll get to it right now," Kaito said as he walked out to phone CEO Kim.

"We'll see if I deserve to talk down to you in just a moment," I said as I sat down on the couch.

A few minutes later, CEO Kim came running in.

"Ms Hitori you called?"

"Honey! This lowly creature insulted me, you need to make them bankrupt right now."

"Now now Arin, you can't just say that.."

"Why not! She's nobody!"

"Ha nobody. Mr Kim perhaps you should educate your mistress on who I am before I inform Mrs Kim about your affair," I replied as I smiled.

"Arin kneel down right now!"

"I refuse! She doesn't deserve it!" As soon as she said that he slapped her.

"You're being disrespectful, this is Ms Niko Hitori the CEO of Hitori Inc. and the biggest shareholder of my company," He said and Arin's reaction was priceless.

She immediately kneeled down and started begging for forgiveness.

"Well I am not that mean so I'll forgive you. But I want you to apologise to that employee you slapped just now."

"How do you kn-"

"Isn't it obvious. The right side of his face was red," I added as I stood up to leave.

"Oh and Mr Kim I hope you know that there is a price to pay for messing with my store and my employees," I said as I smiled and walked out of the room to the meeting room which was beside it.

"Ms Hitori, you asked the employee just now to call all the higher ups of this store?"

"Yes I did. Ask them to meet me in the meeting room once they arrive and get me a pack of ice and a cup of coffee while you're at it." Kaito nodded as I sat down at the head of the table.

To be continued....

Word count : 1353

Spelling and Grammar errors have not been checked

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