"There's been a change of plans," Jenna replied, putting the last of the glass bottles on the cart. She turned to the girls, looking a bit exasperated. "Krifton demands his payment early."

"Who's Krifton?" Leila asked, looking at Khila as Jenna turned away to finish setting the merchandise in the cart and that it was in tight.

"A Dragon Faerie," Khila replied bitterly. "He supposedly protects us from the outsiders. In reality, he just counts our money."

"Why didn't you mention it to me?" Leila asked a bit surprised, crossing her arms. There were few secrets-if any- between the two friends. "I'd be happy to help you guys out."

"You know what mom's like," Khila said, pointing at Jenna with her thumb. "She'd rather deal with the problem herself than be a damsel in distress.

"If you two are done talking," Jenna called pointedly, "I could use some help with selling the merchandise."

"Coming," Leila called back, heading over to the cart and climbing up. Khila climbed up after her. They sat just behind Jenna as she got the horses trotting.


"And when we're through, I'll be there for you!" Leila and Khila finished singing at the top of their lungs. It was one of their favorite songs that Jenna would sing at times when the Oliver family wasn't busy with their farm.

"Do you two ever stop?" Jenna asked mock-annoyed.

Leila signed to Khila since her mother was not facing her. Both of them shrugged and laughed. "Nope!"

Jenna rolled her eyes and continued watching the road. She suddenly started to look around drawing the horses to a stop. "What's wrong?" Khila asked.

Jenna held up her hand, remaining still. Leila heard thundering hooves not far behind them, and she did not take it as a good sign. "Jen?" Leila asked, looking behind them. She could see four horses galloping toward the cart.

Jenna stepped down from the cart and stood at the side. "Stay here and don't get involved," she ordered looking at both girls firmly before walking to the back of the cart.

"What's going on?" Khila whispered, confused at their situation.

"Don't know," Leila replied, indicating the horses approaching from behind. She had a bad feeling that a something was going to go down.

"Krifton," Jenna said, placing her hands on her waist as the group came to a halt several feet in front of her. There were several black and grey horses, majority with scars and multiple brands. The leader of the group smiled down at Khila's mother.

"Jenna Oliver," Krifton replied smoothly, smirking as he dismounted from his equine. He was an intimidatingly, tall muscular dark haired man with piercing gray-blue eyes. He looked up to see Leila and Khila in the cart. "I see you have your daughters here."

"One of them is mine," Jenna corrected flatly, not flinching a bit under his gaze. "The other is her friend."

Krifton chuckled, still gazing at the girls, before turning his attention to the shorter brunette. "I've come to collect my payment, Jen."

Dragon Witch: Shadow of the past (NaNoWriMo15)Where stories live. Discover now