七┃ team seven

Start from the beginning

That right there was the will of fire, and it has marked her tenderly. With her reassurance, Kushina knows that whatever path is before Yume, she'll be okay.

She'll survive this world.

Yume glanced at the time on the wall, "I should get going! Bye, Kushina!" The violent eyed girl put her shoes on and ran off, waving away at the women.

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Yume looked up and noticed the familiar blonde-haired man in front of her, morning especially on top of a tree. She had sensed his familiar chakra but decided to dwell on it, thinking he just passed by here.

She smiled at him as Minato stepped off the tree, his arms held at his hips, "I'm your Sensei!" Thinking about the night before, when Kushina and him were giggling, Yume was able to connect the dots easily.

"Yume!" Rin shouted out. Since the two were in front of the academy, Rin was able to notice the red-haired girl from afar. The brown-haired girl waved the two over happily and greeted them, "Yume!" She hugged the girl tightly and then looked over at Minato who smiled.

"Hello, my name's Minato. I'm assuming you're from Team Seven, correct?"

Rin nodded, and he continued, "Well then, I guess I'm your Sensei!" Rin's eyes widened in shock, since she and Obito visited Yume quite frequently, they knew who her guardians were, Minato Namikaze and Kushina Uzuamki. It made her happy to know her knew her new Sensei.

Yume then noticed a familiar silver chakra near them and looked behind her, Kakashi stood there with his nose in a book. Minato noticed and looked in her direction, "And you must be Kakashi Hatake?"

"He's probably going to be late, again," Kakashi stated bluntly, looking away slightly at his book to look at his new sensei. Soon, the four would need to take a picture and all team members needed to be there. Yume sighed, scolding herself, "I should've found Obi." The photographer was getting ready for the picture as the team waited for Obito, Yume hoped he wouldn't be late this time. However, knowing him, he'll be late.

An hour passed by and Yume could hear Minato attempting to calm down the photographer, who was low on his patience, "I'm sorry, sir-"

Finally hearing footsteps approaching, Obito is shown in view, sliding the door open with a nervous expression and a lollipop in his mouth, knowing that he is very, very late.

Looking at everyone, Minato had a solemn expression after getting lashed out at by the photographer. Kakashi had a stern, annoyed expression. Rin had a sweat drop on her forehead. Yume had a relieved expression, she was at least happy he was here.

"Alright, let's do this quickly," Minato said to his team, Minato in the back. Rin hugged Yume who was in the middle, "Do these," Rin showed her a sign she wasn't aware of. "These?" Yume then did them back.

Rin smiled, "They mean peace!"

"Peace?" Yume looked at the sign in her hand. Rin then hugged Yume and the side, and both did the peace sign, Obito and Kakashi looked away from each other in childishly until Minato quickly pulled their heads to look straight at the camera.


"Let's go!" Minato ordered abruptly after receiving the photos, disappearing out of the building in an attempt to get away from the photographer, it was a success. The four followed him and made it to a grassy hill near the training section. Minato sat on a large boulder, "Why don't we go around and introduce ourselves with each other one at a time."

He looked over at the four, "Like for example, your likes, dislikes, your dreams in the future and hobbles. Whatever you want to tell."

The four nodded in understanding, Minato went on, "Well, as an example, I'm Minato Namikaze. I enjoy spending time with the people I care for. I dislike people that hurt the ones I care for. My dreams for the future would be to be Hokage, and my hobbies would be spending time with my family and training. Okay, your turn."

Obito waved his hand in the air happily, Minato smiled and motioned him to go on. "My Name is Obito Uchiha! Things I like would be my best friend Yume, my comrades, and sweets. Things I dislike, Bakashi, and my dreams for the future would be to become Hokage! My hobbies are training, hanging out with Yume, and eating."

Yume was next, she smiled and remained neutral, "My name is Yume Uzumaki. I like flowers, my friends, and people who I consider to be my family. I don't particularly dislike anything and I don't really have a dream. My hobby is collecting many flowers when I can get them from different places."

Rin was next, "My name is Rin Nohara! I like my village and my comrades, I dislike when people I care for get hurt and my dream is to become a great medic!"

Kakashi was last, he stayed behind them and remained more neutral than Yume, "My Name is Kakashi Hatake, Things I like and dislike, I don't feel like telling you. I haven't really had much thought to a dream, and I can't think of any hobbies right now."

Minato and Rin had a visible sweat drop on their brows. Obito glared at Kakashi with a twitch eyebrow. Yume tilted her head in question of his answers. "All he said was his name," They all thought simultaneously.

For Yume, she couldn't really think of any dream she could have, it was a hard question for her to think through. She didn't really dislike anything either, dislike and hate are different yet are both hard for her to answer completely...

She doesn't really know why.

┉┈ ◈◉◈ ┈┉

"Yume Uzumaki..." The blonde-haired woman thought dazedly as she drank down another sip of her sake. Just a month ago she received a letter directly from her old master who is also the third Hokage. That she had a person out there for her.

A relative.

When she got the letter, her apprentice Shizune read it to her since Tsunade was too drunk to read words.

She sobered up quickly.

In the letter the third asked personally for her to return to the Hidden Leaf to train and take Yume on as her student. She could see what he was trying to do. Bring her back to the village, back to her old home. She denied it at first, ignoring the contents of the letter and doing what she always did, gamble. She gambled it away, yet the news still lingered in her mind, until it became the only to she thought of.

After all the death she had to witness there, blood, is she truly willing to come back. It was only one sober night she decided to retire to the Hidden Leaf, see for herself...

But, will she be accepted by Yume?

"Tsunade?" Shizune whispered, "We're close to the village, only a few more days of traveling."

Tsunade hummed drunkenly as her apprentice led them to their inn where she fell asleep shortly after hitting the bed. All the blonde-haired women thought of in her sleep were the ones she lost, her lover, her brother, her everything.

Then, someone new.

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