21. Meet the Family

Start from the beginning

"I deserved that," he says acceptingly. "But them being together isn't the problem."

"Oh! I know! It's definitely the principle," I say and he agrees with an exaggerated head nod.

"But, at least, she's out of my hands, for sure now!"

I giggle because as cute as he is, he has know idea how women like Yonni think. "That's not how it works, Spencer. She's a woman. If she wants you, she will make it her priority to try and have you. No matter what she calls herself doing with your friend, Shawn."

He sighs, knowing I may be right.

"Yeah, well, she's not who I want!" He says before staring into my eyes. And every part of me wants to kiss him, but my thoughts are too clouded to allow my lips to cooperate with my mind.

He watches as I slightly turn my cheek and allow him to kiss it.

"You sure everything's okay?" He asks as he tries to read my body language.

"I'm just tired. And really excited." I say as I close my eyes tightly.

I spend most of the flight asleep on Spencer's left shoulder. I notice he doesn't budge, despite not sleeping the entire flight.

Hours later, we're standing out front of his mother's door before he reaches in his luggage for a key.

I breathe heavily as I anticipate the door opening. For years, I didn't have to worry about meeting parents and getting to know family. But here I am, in a different country and ready to meet Ms. James.

"Look, thank you for coming with me. You don't know how much this means to me." He says as a grey suv pulls up and a tall, muscular man with Spencer's complexion, gets out.

"Shit!" He whispers before quickly unlocking the door and inviting me inside.

I look back at the man as he grabs grocery bags out of the backseat and slowly walk behind Spencer before he reaches back to shut the door.

"That's him, huh?" I ask and Spencer rotates his neck in discomfort.

"I thought I would at least have a day or two before he showed his face," he mumbles before we walk into a well decorated room to see a gorgeous middle-aged woman with curly hair and deep dimples.

If it wasn't for Spencer's excitement, I would've mistaken her for his sister.

"Ma!" He says as they embrace.

"My baby," she says with a huge smile.

"I missed you, ma!" He tells her before they finally let go.

"Well, you couldn't have missed me too much with this beautiful young lady to keep you company," she says with a side eye, making me blush.

Spencer attempts to introduce us, but the sound of a man's voice interrupts him.

The man with the groceries appears and Spencer's smile disappears as he pauses his conversation.

"I got your favorite!" He says as he walks into the kitchen, making Spencer scowl.

I discreetly rub his back, in hopes that he calms down.

"Thank you, Mo!" She says before reaching for a vial of pills.

"I put it up," he follows before coming into the living room and smiling. "Son, it's good to see you."

"Hey dad," Spencer says before sitting down on the couch across from

"Who's your friend?" He asks as he reaches to shake my hand and I accept politely.

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