(2) The Aftermath

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A/N: hello! welcome to part 2! Trigger Warning: this part contains suicide and a suicide attempt so please be warned.


Cold. It was so cold. It was nothing new for Kaeya since he owned and wielded a Cryo vision. But, this cold was starting to get unsettling. Kaeya needed warmth more than anything. He reached his hands out but felt no one by his side. Kaeya's heart ached as he opened his eyes to realize that he was alone. He has been for the past months. Kaeya sighed as he felt a headache starting to form in. Kaeya brushes it aside. He had too much to drink last night he was surprised he didn't get alcohol poisoning yet. The morning sickness was inevitable and it wasn't the worst the cavalry captain had to deal with. He had dealt so much worst. He turns to his side as he stares into nothing. He felt his eyes well up in tears again but he doesn't even pay it any attention anymore. It's been months since that incident and yet he still had not moved on.

Kaeya closed his eyes in hopes of falling back asleep again. Sleep was the only way out of all the pain he was feeling right now and he just wanted everything to end. But, that didn't do anything. His eyes were beginning to open again. He sighs as he slowly gets up from bed. Kaeya was not the man he used to be. The swagger in his persona was gone. The man seemed to be emotionless at this point. His eyes didn't have the sparkle in them anymore. They looked tired and sad and honestly he did feel tired. He slowly walks towards the bathroom and sits down on the floor. He stares at the floor and then just burst into tears again. He sobbed and felt himself wrapping his own arms around himself. He felt alone and he was alone and had hit so low. Life had thrown so many obstacles in his way yet the very last one had broke him.

Albedo was his life. He was the first thing he woke up to and he felt his day already complete. Albedo was the one making him breakfast. Albedo was the one who comforted him when he was at his lowest. Albedo was the one who motivated him to keep living. Kaeya loved Albedo with all his heart and he never imagined a life without him. But now he was living that life. Albedo was not by his side anymore and Kaeya felt like his life was collapsing on him all over again. Albedo would always light up Kaeya's life and Kaeya had never felt more happy. But, that all came crashing down. That was in the past and now he had to live life by himself all over again. Kaeya sobbed more as the thought of Albedo came back to him. This has been Kaeya's life for the past few months. He had stopped going to work, stopped leaving his apartment, stopped eating and taking care of himself. It was as if he had stopped living all together. He was grieving and Kaeya felt so weak.

What was the point of living without Albedo by his side? He would always think about it but he never knew it would ever happen. Albedo dying in his arms had hit him hard. Albedo's death in general hit him hard and Kaeya couldn't help but think this was all planned to break him. Kaeya had lost his own family, his brother and now the only person he's ever truly loved. Why couldn't they take him now as well? Kaeya sighed as he wiped his tears away. He stood up and washed his face. He stared into the mirror and sighed in disappointed. Kaeya was a mess. His hair was unwashed and was entangled. He had not changed clothes and he smelled of alcohol. Kaeya felt a shiver down his spine as he swore he heard Albedo yell, "Get ready for work, my love!".

He turned his head and hoped to see the male right behind him. But, he was nowhere in sight. Kaeya clicked his tongue as he took later sighed in defeat. Albedo wasn't coming back and he had to expect that. He takes of his clothes and hopped into the shower. He did not know why he finally started moving and starting to do go back to his daily routine. Maybe it was his plans for today? He really didn't know why but that voice sure woke him for a start. He wasn't planning on leaving the house as he had been doing for the last few months. But, that voice had woke him though it was rather scary he did not pay any mind to it. Though he had planned for this day to come, he really did not know when he would do it.

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