Chapter 3

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Third person POV 

   It was one year since the incident in Targoviste and the church was celebrating in the town square where they burned Lisa. "One year. It has been one year since the horrific scene where many of us witnessed the burning of a witch and the devil telling us that we would pay for it. Well we are still here do we not know the devil to be a liar. He has lied yet again for you my children are to the house of god." The great bishop preaches to the people but suddenly a drop of blood falls from the sky into his palm. Suddenly it starts to pour blood from the skies, people running and screaming when they look up they see the face of Dracula as he begins to say. "One year. I gave you one year to pack and leave, yet you stayed and now you celebrate that fact you killed my wife well now destruction will begin." As he disappears a castle comes and all the doors and windows open revealing night creatures, uncivilized demons, that start the war of killing anything and anyone in their path. 


Trevor's POV 

   I was in a tavern drinking as much as I could until I started listening to a very loud man talking about how it was all the Belmont's fault for not dealing with Dracula, and all the night creatures flying around. I got up for one more drink before I would head out, but the guy had other ideas and started asking if I was  Belmont. As I tried leaving I get hit in the face and had to fight those bloody bastards. I won as I walked out all that moving around made me puke everything in my stomach, but I kept going after that little scene onto the next town before I died of hunger or insanity. 

   It got dark quickly so I took refuge in a tall tree and slept off the alcohol and nausea. When morning hit I walked till I found Gresit the last city from here to starvation. looking at the front I sighed "well no one is getting in that way." I say to myself , then go around back and see the sewage line. I hold my breath as I climb up the shoot to the city and easily get in. I see dead bodies and heads everywhere. I go up to a stand with hanging meat, "how much will one coin buy me?" I say to the lady who was sharpening the knife. "Bout a strip. Haven't seen you before." She says as she cuts the strip of dried meat. "Just passing through." I say, "well you might want to pass through quicker we've got a group of speakers in the town once the church does what needs to be done the night creatures will leave us alone." She say while handing the strip of meat to me as I take it and drop off the single coin I had left then leave while walking around to ask a few more townsfolk of what they think is going on. 

    As it starts to get late in the day I try to find a good place to sleep when I see a speaker and two priests walking my way and take a turn to the right of me. I stop to listen as I hear the ugly redhead priest start threatening the old speaker. I take my whip and try to grab his weapon but take off his finger. "Oh shit, I'm sorry I was aiming for the weapon. How's your finger?" I ask slightly not caring as he yells back in pain. "What fucking finger!!" I look at him smirking "now that's no way for a man of a church to speak. Now I may be rusty, but I am stone cold sober." Getting ready in case the other one tries anything. The red headed one starts yelling for him to kill me as I tell him to walk away before someone gets hurt. He pulls out a thieves knife, something no man of the church should ever carry. 

    It didn't take long to hit him with my whip taking his eye out, as I started to walk closer to the speaker and stop next to the redhead with a missing finger. "Pick him up. Take him back to your church, and do not ever bother this man or his people ever again." They get up and run away, while I go to the speaker. "Thank you though was the violence really necessary?" "Not entirely, but they wouldn't have left you alone otherwise." He sighs but then I go with him to his people as they start sternly telling him it was too early to go out. The conversation kept going on and I gave my input here and there of how much I knew of their people. "I'm a Belmont. House of Belmont." I say showing them my family's seal on my shirt. "A Belmont> I thought you all were vanished?" One of the speakers asked.  "If you mean by vanished, then excommunicated, killed, burned, and forced out of our ancestry home then yes." I said and as we continued to argue they then proceeded to say that they weren't going to leave without the elder's grandchild's body so I made him a deal and he accepted.

     I came down the same tunnel where they last knew them to be, as I came down I saw the place had pipes running through the place as well as it had lights that light on their own. I knew of only one thing that ever had lights and power like that, but kept moving forward. I entered a room that lite up and was full of statues some were headless, other completely destroyed. I knew immediately that the newest statue had to be the speaker, but also that this was a cyclops' doing. Hearing the thundering of footsteps, and the shaking of the floor, proved I was right and I had to deal with this monster to free the grandchild. 

   It tried to shoot me, but I dodged fast enough to move behind a pillar to try and think of a way to kill this monster. As I kept dodging it's eye blast I threw my short sword at it and it hit its chest, but didn't bring it down. Plan b was to get my sword with my whip then have it go for the eye. Only problem was I needed some air underneath me to hit his eye so I climbed on the statue of the grandchild. It fell dead to the ground, as the statues returned to normal. Though in honesty I was not expecting the grandchild to be a girl much less how snappy she is. 

The demonic and her vampire (Alucard x oc reader)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora