Chapter Four

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Red and blue.

That was all I could see as I stood outside my friends house — the extremely overbearing flashing of the red and blue lights as the police cars parked themselves outside her home.

The lights reflected everywhere. On the walls, the grass, the pavement... and for a moment I get lost in the hypnotizing aura of the flashing.

But reality wasn't so calm.


The realization hit me quite abruptly as I scanned my best friends house; yellow caution tape was placed around her home, officers standing and conversing with each other, along with an ambulance.

No, an ambulance?

No no no... Tabitha!

I suddenly feel a wave of panic slam into me, causing my breathing to start and turn into aggressive, desperate huffs. I felt like I was choking on the air that I was trying to take in — like I was dry heaving.

"O-officer!" I heave out after sprinting up to one of the woman clad in the pristinely ironed uniform; her badge lined to the front of it. Her dirty blonde hair was combed back and gelled into a perfect, shiny ponytail, and her green eyes stared at me questioningly.

"This is a restricted area, ma'am."

"No- no... you don't understand. My friend, Tabitha! She's-"

"Wow, easy." The woman muttered calmly as she put her hand on my shoulder, hunching over slightly to make eye contact. My breathing continues to come out in short, aggressive bursts, and I see that pathetic sparkle of pity flash in her eyes.

God do I hate that look.

"You are going to be ok... did you say Tabitha?"

I stare at her, "Y-yes."

She nodded.

"Your friend has done something stupid, we are currently trying to find her."

But that was all I got before another officer came up behind her and muttered something in her ear. She gave me one last look of pity, before she began walking off.

"H-hey! No wait... please! Something stupid? Find her? We're did she go!" I try to follow her, tripping over my steps in desperation, but I'm only pushed back by a few idle cops, them shaking their heads.

"Please!you don't understand!" I shout, but my words fell on empty ears, not being heard over the now pounding rain, the water weighing down on us.

My hair clings to my cheeks as the rain water and salty tears flowing down my cheeks melt together into one, sticky, irritating mess, and my clothes cling to my body tightly, leaving no room for my skin to breath. I felt suffocated, both from my emotions, my clothes, this atmosphere, this reality, and most importantly the fucking dry heaving I couldn't stop.

"Ma'am, we are going to have to ask you to leave."


I walk into my apartment and throw my keys, shoes, and whatever else to the side, not caring we're they landed. I was so confused...

Something stupid? What did she do?

Trying to find her? Where in the world did Tabitha have to go?

I feel a pressure in my head pound, causing my vision to flash. My heart thumped like a persistent drum in my chest, each pound sending another wave of dizziness through me.





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