Chapter one

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"Why." I state as my friend points insistently at the newspaper. Freddy Fazbears Pizzeria, now hiring. The add rang through my ears as I recall the advertisements I've been harassed for the past few weeks — that place is the craze right now, but I don't see all the hype. Unfortunately for me, Tabitha was persistent.

"Because you need a job." She said blankly, her tone bitter. I knew she was teasing me, but only because I knew her for several years.


She scoffed and rolled her onyx eyes, her dark skin glistening in the setting sun that flew through our cheap curtains. They barely covered the window, let alone actually keep out light.

"Y/N, you need a job. Badly."

I roll my eyes. I know she is right. We are sharing an apartment right now because the old one I lived in, with my family, was infected by the sound of bottles breaking and absolutely coated in the smell of cigarette smoke. It repulsed me, and I still can't look at alcohol or cigarettes; but the bottom line is, I couldn't live there.

Tabitha has been my friend since kindergarten and she said she would help me, unfortunately though, she is moving out to be with her husband soon — against her will, of course. She hated the man; wished for her freedom... It was an arranged meeting she was forced into by her parents. Tabitha of course recognized that a lot of arranged marriages work out well and are useful, but her wasn't, her parents simply wanted the mans money. But she didn't. Not that she would get any of it...

"You need to be able to pay for this place." She protested; her thick black locks falling over her deep eyes. Her eyes seemed to be pits, endless; it kind of confused me a bit. How could a person have eyes with such... depth.

I don't know, Tabitha has always been absolutely stunning; with her tall height, her gorgeous nose bump, her bronzed skin that had a yellow tint to it, her depthful eyes, her well-defined hips and nicely sized, nevertheless perky, breasts... everything about her was gorgeous, from every strand of hair on her head to the toe nails on her feet.

"Fine. But just for you."

She smiles at me; glad to hear that response.

"Thank you, Y/N."

"Your welcome."


It's now a few hours later. Tabitha has gone out with a few friends and I decided to call the restaurant. I kind of hoped they'd reject my request, but at the same time I really did need the money, and a lot of others denied me already due to my lack of experience.

Dialing the number I bring the phone to my ear, twirling the chord around my finger as I wait. I could hear the distant sound of our radio in the living room as I tap my feet impatiently, the air tense.

Until, a cheery woman picks up.

"Hello! Welcome to Freddy Fazbears, a magical place for kids and grown ups alike, where fantasy and fun come to life. How may I help you today?"

"Oh! Yes... um, well I would like to apply for a job?"

I heard some idle, distant clicking, before the cheery voice rang out in my ear once again.

"Oh yes dear! Any proffered position?"

I thought long and hard. I didn't really have one... I don't think it would ideal for me to work in the kitchen or be a janitor, I kind of sucked at cleaning and cooking... clearly, that's why I don't have a boyfriend yet. No one wants to date a girl who isn't useful.

"No... just not the kitchen or janitor work."

The woman hummed.

"You alright with working a night shift?"

I think back on my schedule; I have nothing. I dropped out of highschool and I'm 18 anyways, never mind the fact that I only have one friend, no boyfriend, no job... the only thing I did at night was sleep, but I could switch my schedule easily after a day or two. I practically stayed up all night anwyays, I had no real sleep schedule.


The lady hums again, a typing sound echoing throughout my ear once again. I assumed she was typing the information into the bulky computer of the front desk or whatever; noting it down.

"How's nightgaurd?you will be watching over the animatronics and ensuring no one breaks in to steal them."

I yawn.

"Yeah, sure."

She hums again, typing something again, and then her cheery voice harasses my ears a last time.

"Alright! You got it, just tell me your name, home number, age, and your set! Come in Tuesday to fill in some paperwork and start your first shift."

"...that easy?" I ask hesitantly, but she hummed.

"We have a hard time getting people to apply."

I feel a little nervousness bubble up. That doesn't sound right... in fact, that sounds very, very sketchy... but to be honest, I need this job, and I really should take this chance. It isn't everyday people don't ask form more information, finding out you are a highschool drop out and haven't had many jobs, let alone kept the ones you had... this may be my only chance to get a job...

So I brush it off, agreeing.

"Alright! All set!"


"See you Tuesday!" She exclaimed, then cut the line off.

Oh boy.

What have I gotten myself into.

Short little first chapter! As you can see I am incorporating Tabitha! I Amy or may not add some timeline type stuff to this too and link it with my other book, but who knows! I'll have to wait and see what I can come up with and how many things I can bend — I only have so much creative freedoms before things start to seem unplausible.

Anyways, hope you enjoyed! Love u all!

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