Chapter 1

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Before we begin for anyone who forgot SCP 038 is the cloning tree. Enjoy the story.

*3rd Person*
"Come on Jon we need to head to the cafeteria before our lunch break ends so we can get something proper to eat before we head off to our next task or should I say my next task because you have still have a level 2 clearance meaning you have to stay studing the scp from a distance while I'm allowed in with the tree." Bryan complained and bragged as he was leaning agains the door that was leading into the giant white hall way from the seemely white "classroom" that they were currently in.

"Give me a second Bryan, I am just finishing up my notes on SCP 038 and its not my fault that you were given credit for helping to catch a dangerous level 8 scp." Jon explained before he put his pen down and got up from the chair that he was sitting in with his notes still in his hands walking to the door where Bryan was leaning against.

"Well you should of helped instead of hiding away behind a plant like some coward." Bryan replied as he walked out of the room heading to the cafeteria with Jon walking right behind him.

"Well I did what I thought was right to keep me alive. You were crazy to go help contain that thing because it was no where near our clearance level to even go near it and we weren't really trained to handle a situation like that yet. After all we were only suppose to be a level 2 clearance before you got promoted." Jon explained. "You were lucky enough to make it listen to you enough to help led it into a cell. How did you do that by the way?" Jon questions as they finally made their way to the cafeteria.

"To be honest with you Jon I don't know how I did that. When the scp showed up and you and our other classmates ran away to go hide somewhere, something in me just told me to help distract the thing and led it away from the classroom and it was not like I was alone either. I got help from other scientists and guards to help get it into a cell." Bryan answered as they were getting their food and heading over to a table where they can finally eat.

"Well yeah you did get help but what I mean is why did it listen to you? Usally an scp like that would attack and kill anyone or thing that comes near it but it stopped when it came to you? Didn't you find it weird?" Jon asked as he started to eat his food that had in front of him.

"Yes I did find it weird that the scp did listen to me but its over now and we don't have to worry about it anymore. Its contain, I got promoted and now I have to take more classes and read more information on scps that your not suppose to learn about yet but the most important part is that we are safe." Bryan answered as they were finishing up their food.

After they were done eating they threw away their trash and walked together for a bit in the hallway before they had to split off.

"This is where we split ways for now, see you later Jon. Bryan said as he started to walk in one direction.

"Yeah see you later and try to not get your self killed." Jon replied as he started to walk in another direction with his notes still in his hands.

*Bryan's P.O.V*
I was called earlier today to go into this floors office after lunch because the supervisor who has high clearance wanted to talk to be about something. Once I got to the door I knocked on it before coming in to see two guards and a scientist. The scientist was a female with long blond hair with blue eyes.

"What did you need me for Mrs. Cara?" I question before one of the guards walked behind me locking the door before the lady in front of me started to speak.

"Hello their Mr.Films I wanted to speak to you about the incident that happen last week regarding the danger level 8 scp." Mis. Cara said before she continued. "After the incident has happen one of our high clearance scientists decided to take you in to work under him." She explained.

I was shocked to say the least to hear that a high clearance wanted to work with me but I was also sad and scaredon who was it because they could be mean and I might not be able to see Jon for awhile depending which one the scientists wanted to work with me."May I asked who it is Mis Cara? I asked hopeing that it was someone in this building and not someone from another facility.

"It seems to me that Mr.Phoney would like you to work under him and before you say anything to deny this offer you will take this opportunity because we have been pestering him to pick an appearance for the longest time but he keeps refusing. I am not saying that you are his appearance but if he has taken an liking to you enough to let you work under him then that means their is a chance that he might take you as his appearance in the future." Mis.Cara said as she went to the dest behind her to grab some paperwork.

I was still in shocked and to hear that Mr.Phoney wanted to take me in was really a big deal. Yes I may not be his appearance and what Mis.Cara said was wishful thinking but still being pick by Mr.Phoney is huge because not only is he a level 5 clearance scientists but he is also very strict and picky with the people he would choose to work with. I always thought if he has a choice he would pick to work alone.

Mis.Cara than came up to me and gave me the paper work that was in her hand.

"Have these filled out and on my desk before you leave to go home tonight. You will start to work with him tomorrow so you also need to pack up your work that you have on this floor because you will be working on higher floors for now on. Good day Mr.Films" Cara said as she had one of the guards escorted me out.

After I got out of her office I went to find Jon immediately because I know that I won't be able to see him for a while after today.

After runing threw the floor feeling that hours went by trying to find my friend I found him talking to my ex-teacher Mrs. Hazel.

"What do you mean I have been scouted out? Jon questions as I ran up beside him to tell hin the new.

"Its what its sounds like Mr. Moyers you have been picked." Mrs. Hazel said as she spotted me. "Oh hello their Mr.Films congratulations on the offer that you received today. I hope you do well and goodbye." She said as she walked away saying nothing else.

"What was that all about?" I asked Jon before he turned to look at me.

"Well Bryan it seems I have been scouted out by a high clearance scientists." Jon said in disbelief. "Also what did she mean when she said congratulations on the offer?" He asked.

"Well that what I came here to tell you Jon I was also scouted out by a high clearance scientists to work under aswell." I relplied. "Who did you get?" I asked hopeing we have both been picked by the same person.

"Really now thats a coincidence." Jon Said. "I have been scouted out by what her name again? Oh yeah Cam a level 4 clearance scientists that is in this facility." He replied. "What about you?"

"Well thats unfortunate I have been scouted out by Mr.Phoney" I replied. "I actually came here to tell you goodbye because I get the feeling that we will joy being see each other as much as I will be working on higher floors for now on." I said.

"Oh ..." Jon said sadly. "Well its good at least that you been chosen to work under Mr.Phoney. I hear that he is a good scientists and is very picky when it comes to people he chooses to work with." He said trying to take the positives out of this situation.

"Yeah I know." I said as I looked at the time. "I better get going I still have to get these papers filled out before I go home tonight and I'm also going to work with him tomorrow. "I said while leaving him in the room. "Goodbye Jon hopefully we will be able to see eachother again soon." I said as I ran off to a classroon to fill out this paper work.

After I was done with the work I ran back to Mrs.Cara's office to give it to her then I started to packup my work before heading home for the night and waiting to start working again tomorrow with my new boss.

Word count 1566

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