Chapter 14: The Backbone of Her Sanctimony

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Hi Mum,

I'm sorry I haven't had the chance to reply earlier-

No, that won't do. She's had plenty of chances. Groaning, Amicia crumpled up the barely begun letter and tossed it into the pile that was steadily forming on the common room table. The next unsullied sheet of parchment mocked her as she stared at it, carefully considering her words before even picking up the quill. Why was this so hard? Talking to her mother used to be as easy as breathing. Now every conversation felt strained because no matter what kind words Amicia chose to say, the undertone of bitterness still seeped through them.

This could all be over if she would just put an end to the secrecy and tell Amicia about her father. A name was all she was asking for, really. Was a name really so dangerous? Earlier in class, Amicia had passed a note along to Hermione, asking her to take a look at the yearbook in the library in which Amicia had found a photo of her mum with a man she thought looked familiar. A part of her felt guilty for playing Sherlock and going behind her mum's back, just not quite guilty enough to stop. Letting out a heavy sigh, Amicia picked up the quill once more with great determination. Even Malfoy can write to his mother.

As though on cue, Draco walked out of the boy's dorm. He was wearing his Quidditch sweater and tightening the straps on the leather gloves around his wrists as he moved across the room in a hurry.

"Oh, Nolander," he sounded surprised to see her there and slowed his pace. "What are you doing here?" Walking over to the table, he peered over Amicia's shoulder, the smell of his cologne and leather conditioner overwhelming her.

Amicia made a weak attempt to cover the embarrassingly blank letter, but it was no use, he'd already spotted the pile of crumpled up parchment next to her and chuckled.

"Whatever it is, it's not going well, is it?" he observed in a mocking tone.

She tilted her head to look up at him, wishing he weren't so close. "I'm writing to my mum, or trying to at least," she admitted sheepishly, "Actually, I was just thinking about you." Amicia regretted her choice of words as quickly as she'd said them.

"I don't blame you," Draco said with that smug smile that made Amicia want to roll her eyes.

Disregarding his comment, she turned in her seat to face him. Was this how low she was willing to stoop, asking Malfoy for parental advice? Yes, and she was desperate for any shred of advice he could give her. "What do you write to your mother about?"

The smugness crumbled from his face. Damn, I knew this would come back to bite me, he thought, trying to come up with a good lie on the spot. "Erm, well...," It was the first time Amicia had ever heard him stutter and it oddly amused her. Draco rubbed the back of his neck, looking around the room. "Nothing of interest, really," he fibbed.

With the amount of ink and parchment he had purchased, Amicia was unconvinced. "Please, Draco, I'm desperate here." She gazed up at him with pleading eyes, willing to bat her lashes if she had to.

"Absolutely not," he said with a shake of his head.

Amicia frowned. "If I use up all my parchment, I'm blaming you."

"I'll just buy you more if it gets you to shut up."

"Do you want me to get on my knees here, Malfoy?"

Draco raised a brow, "Well, if you're offering-"

Amicia swung her leg and kicked him in the shin. "Just tell me, you know I won't tell anyone."

He made a small huffing through his nose, already feeling himself budging. Who could she tell anyways? "Don't laugh, alright?"

She nodded eagerly, awaiting his answer.

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