xi | people are going to die

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karina's pov

'Pierce, A.'

The image of Alexander Pierce made everything taste bitter.

"'Peace isn't an achievement. It's a responsibility.'" Nick Fury's words were laced with something I couldn't identify – annoyance? Irritation? All the above? "That's what he said."

Nick Fury pointed to the photograph, lifting it up for me to see.

"We know what his plan is. HYDRA is going to use Project Insight and the helicarriers to wipe out anybody who poses even half a threat to HYDRA and the rest of the world." Nick Fury crosses his arms, leaning back in his seat as he slides the picture to me.

"We have to stop that launch," Natasha murmurs, glancing around the room.

Steve had told us about HYDRA's plans with the helicarriers. Dr. Zola, the small man who had done so much to me, to James, was the one who had created the command: the command that could calculate whether a person would, or might, become a threat to HYDRA's plans or the world itself. And if that person was a threat, they would be killed by SHIELD's own helicarriers. The helicarriers were equipped with weapons that could fire from 3000 feet in the air and land on a target. Any target. An innocent target.

"It'll happen in just mere hours," Agent Hill said with a sigh. "Once the helicarriers reach 3000 feet and connect to Insight satellites, they will become weaponized. They can find their targets and fire within seconds."

"So, what do we do, then?" Sam asked.

Nick Fury flipped open a briefcase, spinning it around so we could see the three chips that lay inside.

"We will need to breach the carriers before that happens. Using these three server chips, we replace the SHIELD command chips already inside. From there, control over the helicarriers will be removed from HYDRA's hands."

"All three. If just one carrier is still operational..." Agent Hill's voice trailed off.

"People are going to die." I finished for her, and it felt like the room darkened at my words.

"No pressure." Nick Fury didn't smile. "We have to assume everyone on board is HYDRA. Get past them, insert these chips, and maybe – just maybe – we can leave something to salvage."

"No. We aren't going there to salvage anything." Steve Rogers pushed away from the table, beginning to pace around the room. "This is the end of SHIELD."

"SHIELD has nothing-"

"SHIELD's been compromised. We have to end it all. HYDRA grew right under your noses, and nobody noticed. You gave me this mission, Director. This is what we're doing."

"I noticed. We're in this cave, aren't we?" Nick Fury's voice was rising in volume. He was getting agitated. "I noticed SHIELD was compromised."

"How many paid the price before you did?" At Steve's words, eyes fell to me.

"I didn't know about Barnes or Ruchmann."

"Without her, how sure are you that you'd even be alive right now?"

I kept my eyes on the floor. Do you know the wrongs I've committed? How undeserving I am of this credit?

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