vi | it's all a nightmare

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karina's pov

He strode into the room, arrogance and authority radiating from his walk. I wanted to crawl in on myself, hide behind anything I could find. The only other items in the room were the chair I sat on, the person beside me, and the chair he sat on. Nowhere to hide.

"Glad you both could make it," The man said, his voice drawling through the room. "I heard you had trouble waking, Blade."

I nodded once, keeping my eyes on his shoes.

"I have an assignment for you." He stopped himself, chuckling. "Although, first, I should introduce myself. I am Alexander Pierce. I think we will do great things together. Great things."

The soldier beside me didn't move. I didn't either, and Alexander Pierce continued.

"Do you know who you work for? I do. Do you know who created you?" He wasn't looking for an answer to these questions. "Doctor Arnim Zola. Name ring a bell?"

Images of a small man, with prodding fingers and a voice that spoke of tests flooded my mind. I blinked them away. No time for that now.

"He worked for HYDRA when it fell. Then he was captured. And then, get this," Alexander Pierce paused for effect, "SHIELD, built to protect the world from people like HYDRA, recruited him."

He nodded, a mocking grin on his face. It was as if he were talking to children.

"Now, HYDRA – you know all about HYDRA, don't you? Oh, you don't? Well, let me explain – was founded on the idea that humanity could not be trusted with their own freedom. Thanks to you two, we have been able to keep HYDRA alive. We have controlled history. We have started wars. All of it was while we worked in SHIELD, building from their organization into our own. Into our new and improved HYDRA.'

'The problem now, though, is that we are so close to our goal. To guarantee humanity's security, people around the world will have to sacrifice their freedom. The final step in our plan? That job goes to you, Winter Soldier, and your assistant. Your weapon." He laughed, a forced sound that echoed along the walls. "As if you aren't already a weapon yourself."

The soldier's hands tightened around his chair. I felt him look at me. If Alexander Pierce noticed, he didn't let on.

"Your job, soldier, is an assassination: Nick. Fury."

I looked at him, waiting for the image of our target. He pulled out a file from his briefcase, flipping through the pages to find a photograph. The most noticeable things about this 'Nick Fury' were his intimidating expression and his eyepatch.

"Blade, you will stay with the cops. They're undercover HYDRA agents. Hide in the shadows. Assist where you can. Stay in contact with the Winter Soldier, tell him when the cops have been taken out by Nick Fury. The soldier will enter the chase, commit the assassination. Watch him, too, and help him if he needs it."

Once the soldier and I were briefed, Alexander Pierce left the room.

I didn't move in my chair, but I spoke carefully. "You are ready for this?"

James didn't answer.

My head turned the slightest bit to see him. He was watching me, his blue eyes cold. They held none of that familiar flicker that I was used to seeing when he looked at me.

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