ix | i'm going to help you

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karina's pov

"There's the car," I murmured in Russian. The soldier was wearing his full mask again, covering his eyes, nose, and mouth. I just had mine over my mouth and nose, muffling my breathing and keeping my eyes vigilant. Unlike James, I needed to see who I was killing.

"Go." The soldier jumped from the expressway, landing on a car and using it to propel him to our target. In one swift movement, he had shattered the window with his metal arm, pulled the HYDRA agent from inside, and thrown him to the road below.

The agent had taken us by surprise, but as usual: our orders were to kill. The red-haired woman and grinning blonde man from the photos were seated in the car, beside an unknown driver. We would kill him, too. How Alexander Pierce had known they would be here, on this expressway, together, I didn't know. It wasn't my job to care.

The driver slammed on the brakes, and James flew back from the car, signaling for me to hurry as he returned to his feet. I took a running start, using the magnets in my fingertips to propel me to stand beside him, my legs jarring with the impact of the landing. In my jump, the hood had fallen from my head. I didn't bother to fix it.

Behind the targets, a HYDRA rover was steering through the traffic. My job was to make the impact of the rover on the target car worse – as if it wouldn't be bad already.

In the driver's seat, the woman was aiming a gun at us just as the rover slammed into the rear end. I pushed the front of the car back, palms open and shoving the strings away from me, feeling a strain in my shoulders at the effort.

The car crumpled, and I raised it into the air, muscles screaming. Beside me, the soldier ran forward and jumped, landed on the car, and shattered the windshield, reaching for the steering wheel. The driver yelled and pulled out a gun.

James dove off the car, and I threw it as high as I could, watching it flip in the air above the expressway. The three targets flew out of the passenger side, bringing the door with them as they fell to the road.

The car rolled, and the targets slid along the concrete, sparks flying and metal screaming. Soon, everything stopped, and the three had separated: the two targets were closer to us and the driver was further away, ducked behind a car.

HYDRA agents streamed out of the parked rover, guns in their hands. The soldier grabbed one, aimed it at the blonde man – who, I noticed, was carrying a shield of blue, white, and red – and pulled the trigger.

The impact of the bullet sent him flying, out of my line of sight. This was it.

An agent tossed me a gun, and I started firing, missing every shot. The woman and the driver ducked behind cars, and I watched her red hair as she ran away from the fight, turning and shooting when she had the chance.

They were good.

James shot another bullet after her, sending a car careening over the edge of the expressway, bringing our red-haired target with it.

"I got it," he muttered in Russian, barely loud enough for me to hear it. He grabbed the gun from my hands, gloves brushing against mine, the metal in his arm tugging at the strings in my fingers.

The soldier stood over the railing, gun aimed down, preparing for our target to appear. The blonde man had disappeared momentarily, but I knew he wasn't dead – these people wouldn't make it that easy. Nick Fury had faked his death. I wouldn't let them do the same.

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