5 You Are Loved

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Jotaro and I were quietly spying on this one stand user. We were supposed to observe as we didn't know if he was dangerous.

Then for some reason, Jotaro blew our cover. He was being reckless and aggressive. In fact, it seemed like he was up very early like he hasn't gotten any sleep. It was like that for a week now.

I had some idea why. Maybe he didn't like being close to me. It has been a little over a week since the "the fap of '02" Maybe I irked him and it just took 2 days after the incident for him to snap.

We went back to the hotel early. I heard Jotaro's door slam just as I rounded a corner. I found two SPW members with their backs to me.

"Yeah," someone said. "You know how his phone is always loud. His daughter got into some real trouble, and he wouldn't do anything. His ex was tearing into him too. It was almost scary."

"Bro," the other said. "What can he do? He's in a whole other country."

The first guy said, "When do you think was the last time he left to even visit his family? It's kind of messed up."

"Stand users attract stand users," the second guy said. "He knows it's dangerous."

"Wait," I said, coming up to them. "How long ago did you hear about this?"

The two of the guys turned around alarmed.

"Oh um," one of them sputtered. "Sorry, um-."

"It's no big deal," I said. "I just wanna know when."

One of them said, "About a week ago."

That statement cleared all of my suspicions.

The second guy said, "Hey, um, you're close to Jotaro, right?" What got him to ask that? "You two work together and he seems to trust you..." His voice trailed off.

I shrugged, "Yeah, I guess you can say that."

He continued, "I think you have noticed his behavior too."

I nodded, "Yeah."

"I don't know what else is going on, but I've never seen him like this before. Please talk to him before he gets in trouble or even hurt."

"Okay," I said. "I gotcha." I didn't recognized just how bad he was affecting everyone else. I needed to do something and soon. To think that his recklessness could be his negative emotions festering.

I have to help him. I cared about him too much to let this go after I heard this.

I went to my room. Clean myself up and went over to Jotaro's door.

He needed him to know that he could come to me. I would be there to listen. He had me.

I knocked.

He opened it. He was stoic as ever, but those little tell tale signs that he was filled with anxiety. How did I not notice that before? Then I asked the fateful question: 'Can I hold you?'

This was bold, because physical contact wasn't something we would do. I knew a hug could go a long way, but I wasn't sure with him. Maybe a hug was what he needed to keep him together.

To my surprised, with an exhale, he nodded. He opened the door for me to come in. Jotaro closed the door behind us. He said, "Um..." He stood there awkwardly.

"I know you have a lot on your mind," I said. "If you don't have the words for it, it's okay." I reached up and wrapped my arms him to put his head to my shoulder.

I felt his arms move as if he wanted to push me away. His arms shook a bit. "Why are you doing this?"

"What reason do I need other than I love you."

Jotaro Kujo (Part 4-5) - Become UsWhere stories live. Discover now