Carlos Sainz Jr & Lando Norris.

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Hm. Based on pretty much just their friendship and how it blossoms into something more ig.
Enjoy :)

When sky blue gets dark enough to see the city lights, all I can think about is Carlos. Tonight he's probably out to lose himself, celebrating that P3 in Hungary. Trying to find a high, I sat down on the window ledge and looked up to the setting sun. He comes and goes through my mind like no can. But no one knows, he's my neon. Though, I'm not his. He's slipping through my hands. I can't ever burn away, letting him go. It would destroy me.
This is the deep and dying breath of something that was never really there, but fuck it felt like it was. I remember the shared looks, the touches, the lingering feeling the contact we had left behind. I wish I could go back, change what I said. But it's done, we're doomed.
Go cry about it, I told myself. I did, a-lot. I never forgave myself for what I said. I told him that I couldn't love him. Not yet. Not when I had a team who didn't accept who I was. McLaren were an amazing team, but they didn't approve of my sexuality. It was obvious from the moment I told them. Though, Charlotte didn't care, she helped me. She helped me get through the hate and stress. Carlos helped too, but I knew we shouldn't act on our feelings. It could've risked us both losing our seats. I've got my reasons, but I couldn't.
Once Carlos was gone from McLaren, I was called to a meeting. Charlotte, Zak and Andreas were already there. I knew this wasn't going to be good. But they all had smiles on their faces. I was confused. "Take a seat Lando." Spoke Andreas. Zak nodded, "Lando, were here to discuss your personal situations." Lando was confused, but he replied back, "O-okay?" Zak smiled at Lando, "Lando, we seem to remember that you are gay correct?" Lando nodded, "Yes, correct." Zak smiled and continued, "Well, look we've decided that it is not our place to stop you from being you and so far be it from us to stop you from telling your fans and whoever that you are gay." Lando couldn't really believe what he was being told, "Really?! You're serious?" Zak and Andreas chuckled, "Yes Lando we are." spoke Andreas. Lando thanked them and headed out of the room with Charlotte. He turned to Charlotte, "Oh my god. They don't know that I'm in love with Carlos do they?!" Charlotte laughed, "No darling, they don't. But you should tell Carlos." Lando gulped, "I know, I just need to make sure it's at the right time."

That time just happened to be now at 11.28pm after the Hungary Grand Prix. Lando was thinking and he felt like now was the right time. He hadn't expected Carlos to pick up the phone, he had thought he would be out with the Ferrari team. Lando sighed as he dialled Carlos's number, it rang 4 times before Carlos picked up. "Cariño?" Lando gulped, "Hi Carlos!" he squeaked out. Carlos chuckled, "What can I help you with at this hour Lando?" Lando was silent for a few seconds before he blurted out, "I love you Carlos." Carlos didn't reply, he just hung up. Lando was surprised but not overly concerned. He probably should be, but this is Carlos were on about.
Approximately 27 minutes after Lando expressed his feelings for Carlos, there was a knock on his hotel door. He moved from the window ledge and answered the door. There stood Carlos, a rose bouquet in hand and a giant stuffed teddy. Lando opened the door wider so Carlos could fit through. Once Carlos put down his things he had bought for Lando, he turned his attention to the shy British boy infront of him. Carlos sighed, he knew he should've done this a hell of a lot earlier. He walked closed to Lando, hoisted him up so Lando had his legs around Carlos's waist and his arms are around Carlos's neck. Lando was in a daze, he was alert and knew what he was doing, but the adrenaline made him feel in a daze. He was bought back to reality when Carlos's hand guided him to look at him. Those chocolatey brown eyes staring deep into his. He smiled at Carlos before the two of them closed the gap. The wait had been too long, and both of them knew that. Maybe speaking to each-other properly would've discovered this much sooner.

Formula One, Oneshots. Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz