Charles Leclerc & Carlos Sainz Jr.

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Based on something ig, idrk tbf. Thats all im gonna say tbh.
ALSO, mainly written from Charles's POV.
For the Carlos Simps out there, some smut too ;)
Enjoy :)


He is coming to Ferrari.
The one person I've actively tried to ignore with every fibre of my body.
They knew I wouldn't be able to handle this, yet they still did it.
I don't regret it at all, I regret nothing about what happened that day.
I regret letting it be him who I fell in love with.
But at the same time, he is the best thing that has happened to me.


It had been barely six months since that evening happened. I suppose I wasn't even close to being enough for him. Not even up to his standards. But what could I do? Act like nothing was happening?! Act like I wasn't so deeply in love with him?! Pretend that he was nothing to me?! And then just so simply forget that it even happened? Just so that they can have him on our team. They'll do to me what they did with Kimi, then Seb and now me.
But with him taking over? I don't know how I'm supposed to keep quiet, sworn to secrecy by my own boss.
I don't like using his first name. It too easily rolls of the tongue. Those damned two syllables of such a masculine, Spanish name. Car, Los. Carlos. You'd have thought he was a lover, not a fighter. And you're right, but not when he's "not gay".
That night was something like no other. I assumed from many conversations with Lando that Carlos was gay, according to Carlos himself, that was a no no. It started on a awkward topic, straight in there with the direct questions, such a dick move Charles. But Carlos didn't seem to be that phased, well at-least not how I was. I was a dressed up, slightly horny, slightly tipsy, awkward and nervous Monegasque. What a recipe for disaster that was. But, I was repeatedly proved wrong.
Carlos and I had planned this meal out together to get us ready and used to having to work together, being with each-other most of the time. We were only one month away from testing and after that the new season would be right on our doorstep. So we needed a quick fix.
We chatted about our Christmas break with our families, he listened as I told him about visiting my father's grave and giving him a bright red rose. Carlos didn't need to listen, but he did as I rambled on and on, he engaged in my rambling though. Occasionally making both of us giggle at the jokes he made. I listened to him as he told me about his and his father's golfing trips. The golfing stories Carlos would tell me about were incredibly funny, his dad tripping over the club bag and Carlos running into a tree on their way to find their golf balls. Charles smiled at each word Carlos spoke, the alcohol clearly doing its job to loosen his nerves. It came to the end of the evening and neither of them wanted to leave, but they were kicked out by the restaurants staff. Charles followed behind Carlos as they left. I was admiring his slightly taller frame, his bulging back muscles, such lovely long brunette hair, deep brown sparkly eyes, his perfectly plump lips, that chiselled yet prickly jawline and those oh so luscious big veiny hands. He's almost a god, but I'd never tell him that.
Charles followed Carlos to his hotel room, he hadn't had the courage to ask Carlos if he could stay. Enjoying the night far too much. However, Carlos never told him to leave. Carlos allowed entry into his hotel room, shutting the door behind Charles. Charles remembers feeling Carlos moving around him, getting ready for bed. Charles copied him, stripping to his underwear and waiting for Carlos to get into the bed before he did. Charles got into the bed, letting out a slight moan at the soft memory foam mattress and soft silk sheets. Carlos heard this and watched the younger man squirm in the bed. Carlos shut his eyes and let out a deep breath, focussing on something other than that stupidly pornographic moan Charles let out. Charles could see the v-line of Carlos, he lifted his hand, gently placed his fingers on Carlos's skin and traced along his v-line. Carlos reacted, his skin covering in goosebumps. Charles's touch doing all sorts of naughty things to his brain. How Carlos could just tear open those white Calvin Klein's of Charles's and take him there and then. Giving him all that he needs to be stretched out before roughly pounding in and out of the Monegasques feminine body. Using those big veiny hands that Carlos knows Charles likes, grabbing that throat of the Monegasques to bring him closer as he ruthlessly fucks his tight ass. Carlos wraps his hand around Charles's wrist and hoarsely speaks out, "You keep that up Charles and we will have a problem." Charles loved the dirty talk, Carlos's accent only making the words hit him deeper. Carlos placed his fingers onto the throat of Charles, gently tracing where he would like to grab him when he fucks him ruthlessly. He leans down to Charles's ear, "You are a work of art Charles. I want to take you home and own you." Charles moaned lightly, only enough for Carlos to hear. Carlos chuckled deeply, the effect of his dirty talk and deeper voice was making Charles such a pretty pretty sight. He loved how Charles looked when he was just doing day to day things, but this, was like nothing before. Carlos didn't want to wait anymore. He pulled Charles in, not in a hurry, connecting their eyes as they leaned in. Not too slow, not to fast, and it definitely was the moment they knew. That whatever this was, was definitely not just alcohol or horniness.

Carlos kissed me. Carlos's lips were so soft, tender, and they had just the perfect amount of moisture. His tongue, he certainly knew how to work it. He worked his tongue into all of the small crevices in my mouth, I couldn't hold back my moans and Carlos for sure wasn't complaining. We kissed and kissed like our lives depended on it, I had already fallen for Carlos, but this was just heaven.
One thing lead to another and we ended up fucking. Well, Carlos did the fucking. It was more making love than fucking actually. Carlos, he was so gentle, he took his time, he made me feel loved and cared for. Carlos kissed from my lips down to just above my waistband of my boxers. He made my body feel electric, like it had been connected with car jump leads and plugged onto a two hundred thousand volt battery. His touch makes me feel electrified, but it also makes me feel love. His light touches, then the tight ones, his hands adjusting around my waist as he took me. It was amazing, and I wouldn't have done a single thing to change it.

But, all good things must come to an end. On that morning of that day, Carlos awoke and remembered what had happened. He really hadn't drunk that much the night before. Carlos found Charles next to him in his hotel bed. They were naked, the used condom on the floor. Carlos sighed, he couldn't believe he had done that with Charles. He didn't love Charles. That would be a lie, he did love Charles. But he couldn't, he promised his father that he wasn't gay and he would never be gay. Though the truth is, is that Carlos is very gay and is in love with Charles.
Carlos knew that the only thing he could do was turn Charles away. He couldn't see anyway way out of this, his father would find out and that would be it for Carlos. Carlos knew his mother and sisters knew already, they didn't care if he was gay. But his father was a different story. Carlos sighed as he ran his hand through the slightly wavey hair of the Monegasque, who was so elegantly sleeping on Carlos's chest. Carlos leaned down and placed some kisses on Charles's forehead. Charles was awake, he had been for a while but he pretended to be sleeping. He was enjoying Carlos's close embrace. Carlos whispered to him, "Charles, I, I have no regrets about what we did. But we cannot do this again. I'm sorry." Carlos got out of the bed, put on some clothes and left his hotel room. Only once he was gone did Charles open his eyes. He was stunned that Carlos had said what he had after he took such good care of him the night before. Charles knew he shouldn't be that upset, he didn't even know if he meant anything to Carlos. Right now he was just somewhere Carlos could cum in and just head right on out. He just felt like a fuckdump.

You're probably wondering where this ties into why it's so bad that Carlos is joining Ferrari. We haven't spoken since we had sex. There were so many shared looks in the paddock, people started to notice that we were never seen speaking to each-other, how we actively avoided each-other. I did what Carlos wanted me to, I left him alone, so his father wouldn't know that he is gay. What more could I have done but that? I did everything I could to ignore him. But I just could ignore my feelings inside.
Soon Spain came up on the race calendar and I knew that this race would mean a-lot to Carlos. Like normal we barely crossed paths, me trying my best to avoid him and he tried his best to avoid me. It was extra difficult when I had Lando in my ear asking me why I never talk about Carlos anymore and why we always avoid each-other. I just needed to finish this race without Lando's questions bursting into my mind. But it was cut short, my engine cut out, like fucking normal. I just couldn't believe it, my race had been going so well and to top it off Carlos finished P6. I was happy for him, he deserved it, I just wish I could congratulate him in person. But I know my duties and I shall not break them.
Carlos was over the moon with his race result, he was gutted for Charles though. His race had been going so well and then the engine just died. Carlos didn't quite understand it but he knew Charles would be beating himself up about it. But, Carlos had something Charles may quite like.
Carlos headed over to Charles's hotel room, he knocked lightly on the door. Charles opened the door to a happy Carlos with a bouquet of flowers and Charles's favourite Chocolates. Charles smiled and let him in, Carlos placed down the flowers and chocolates on the dresser and turned to face Charles. He took a step closer to Charles and ran his hand through Charles's hair. Carlos sighed, "I should've never have left you that morning. It not only hurt you but it hurt me. And I couldn't know any longer that I could possibly be hurting you. So I confronted my father, it isn't his choice who I love, and so. Charles, I'm asking you if you would like to try this again? properly this time." Charles had watery eyes, his heart felt warm and fluffy. He nodded a yes to Carlos and launched himself into those oh so familiar arms. And those awfully familiar lips met his once more, and he was sure that they would be okay at Ferrari next season, together.

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