Charles Leclerc & Pierre Gasly

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Based on a job for a very wealthy and well-known Billionaire.
13+, enjoy.

"Gasly Technology Incorporated is hiring now!"

This advert had been flown past a certain Monegasque twenty four year old. He was looking for jobs sure, but he wasn't sure a job as the personal assistant of a billionaire was acceptable for a guy like him.
Ah, "A guy" like him. Charles was average height, a dark brunette with stunning green eyes, and hands as soft as a baby, but as masculine as a tradesman. Charles was just your average adult, well more like teen. Charles was not a party animal, but he did like the royal ballet, oh and going to see the orchestra perform. Charles played piano, and he played it beautifully. His own piano was cream colour, it was glossy and pristine. His gentle fingers would glide so delicately over each key, the perfect note coming out, creating a sweet melody.
Charles was also into building computers. He liked making them custom, with special decals for each client. They were masterpieces really. Specific coloured lights of the colour the customer wanted. Charles was very careful when picking parts too, he never wanted a colour clash. When Charles saw the advert for the job as a personal assistant, he had a flashback and immediately went to his client book.
He scrambled though the pages, through thousands of clients, until he found the one thing he was looking for.
"Gasly Technology Incorporated - One custom computer, mint green lights, mint green internal parts and a mint green keyboard and mouse.
Total, inc. vat: €6,795.
Customer name: Pierre Gasly"
Charles had sold the owner a computer directly. How did he not notice it was the French businessman? He remembered parts of his communication with Pierre Gasly. It had all been rather casual. Pierre hadn't turned up to his shop in fancy clothes, or a suit with a briefcase stuffed full of money. Pierre actually had been really nice, he had definitely seen how stressed Charles was and didn't want to be a rude rich snob. Pierre's voice was soothing, the soft spoken French was like liquid sugar rolling off his tongue. For a second, Charles remembers cursing the French language for making this man so desirable. In Charles's defence, he had been in such a rush that he hadn't really taken a deep look at Pierre. He knew who he was, who didn't? Being the worlds 7th richest man was no joke. Charles was desperate for a job that he could guarantee was going to work. Applying as a former clients personal assistant, was definitely what he had pictured himself doing.

It had been a quick 3 months. Charles had applied for the job as Pierre Gasly's personal assistant. Charles created an email, stating what he could bring to the table, along with his CV and past occupations at other companies. However, he did not expect to get a response, let alone a response the next day.

Charles had been in email conversation with Pierre himself. Their conversations were friendly, fun. Pierre had invited Charles out for a coffee, and a chat. Pierre had first bought just the one computer last year, but he needed more and he knew just the person. When he entered Charles's shop, recommended to him by his mother, he smiled. It was very aesthetically pleasing and it was really beautiful. There had also been a lovely cream coloured piano in the back where Charles kept his finished computers. Pierre had seen it after Charles had walked away from him. Pierre and Charles had actually met in 6th grade, but Pierre left Monaco rather quickly after moving there. Only to return thirteen years later. Their mothers had kept in contact, but the boys, not so much. Pierre had been so blown away by Charles when he went to buy a computer from him. But he was happy he did buy one from Charles, it is a wonderful computer, but he was more interested in getting closer to Charles. Those stunning green eyes, eating him up inside. For once Pierre was glad he listened to his mother.

Back on that hot day in June, Charles had woken up to an email. A response to his application, Charles was somewhat nervous to even open the email. But he was glad he did, as he was now standing out side of  "Gasly Technology Incorporated". It was outstanding. Its cream exterior, matched perfectly with the design of the windows and the surrounding garden. Charles was slightly taken back by it. Charles had seen mansions, corporate company buildings, but this, was something else. Charles wasn't doing bad for money, he was by no means poor. But he had bills to pay, and his computer building abilities were excellent, but they just didn't cut it. He needed something sustainable, and Charles thought he's found it.

Charles sighed, as he entered the huge castle-like doors. The smell of the building was sweet, it smelled like pomegranates and chamomile tea. Delicious, Charles thought to himself. This man definitely has some good taste. Charles walked up to reception, "Hello, I am the new personal assistant for Pierre Gasly." The woman nodded, "What is your name, Sir?" "Charles Leclerc." He said with a smile. She passed him on to Saffron, she wasn't a tour guide, but she would escort him to where Pierre's office was. Saffron was lovely, as was Gianna the receptionist. Polite employees at such a rich company? interesting. Charles's was starting to take mental notes on the company. He was pleasantly surprised, it looked like a well-rounded, collected community of people. Charles followed Saffron until she stopped and point to a chair for him to sit, "Wait here please." She said as she sat down at the desk opposite the office door.
It left Charles a few minutes to collect his thoughts. He was nervous, first impressions are everything. His hands were shaking slightly and his eye occasionally twitched. He heard a buzzing sound, Saffron called his name. "Charles, Mr. Gasly will see you now." She said with a smile. Charles smiled, as she stood up to open the door for him. This is it. He entered the room, surprised slightly at what he saw. There was the chair facing the far wall. Charles coughed, "Ah, Mr Leclerc. I see you have arrived." Charles froze, shit not now Charles, "I, I-" Charles stuttered, "Yes, Pierre, er, oops, Sir!" He heard an evil sounding chuckle as the chair turned around. Charles was met with the dirtiest blonde coloured hair he had probably ever seen. The toothiest smirk, he kind of had the "London Look". Not to mention the blindingly bright blue eyes he found himself getting lost in. Charles pinched himself, hoping to snap out of how he was acting. Mr Gasly smiled at him, "Take a seat Charles, I'm only messing about, testing you." Charles nodded as he sat down, Pierre watching his every move. Odd. Pierre smiled again, "So Charles, What would you like to know first, the rules or what you'll need to do as my PA?" Charles giggled nervously, "The rules, Sir." Pierre laughed, "Don't call me Sir. Pierre is fine." Charles gulped, "Are you sure?" Pierre nodded, "Yes, do you not know how to say it or what?" Charles sighed, That is not the point. "Of course I can say it. I am ready to hear your rules, Pierre." Charles hadn't meant for his words to sound so seductive, but Pierre didn't seem to mind. "O-Okay. Right." Pierre faltered a little bit, Charles had managed to somehow fluster him. Charles blushed a bright red, his fingers fidgeting in his lap. "Here we go," Pierre's voice had changed, and Charles didn't hate it. Pierre sounded serious, strong.
"Rule One: No rude or mean comments to any members of staff.
Rule Two: No sexual communications with any members of staff.
Rule Three: No drugs, alcohol or contraband on the site of work.
I think that is it."
Charles nodded, "Sure, done. But does rule two really apply to all members of staff?" Pierre scoffed, "Yes, all members." "Aw thats a shame. Saffron was nice." Pierre slammed his hands down on his desk, "No. Every member of staff except me, Charles." Charles was a bit startled by the fist hitting the desk, but he had heard Pierre correctly. "Does that rule just apply to me?" Pierre shook his head, the cheek. "Yes. It does. But push me again Charles and I'll have my way with you." Charles gulped, Pierre was serious. Charles knew this, they had been out for coffee many times, occasionally heading to each-others places for dinner too. He knew not to push Pierre. Charles let out a little whine, just loud enough for Pierre to hear. Pierre looked Charles in the eye, "Get up." Charles obeyed, "Come here." He walked round to Pierre, who was sat in his chair. Pierre patted his lap, "Lay down." Charles followed, a giggle slipping through his lips as he laid over Pierre's legs. Pierre ran his hands up Charles's legs and lightly slapped Charles's ass, a whine came from the Monegasque. "You like that?" Pierre smirked. Charles sighed, "Yes, Mr Gasly." Pierre chuckled deeply, "I said I'd have my way with you, if you pushed my buttons, Charlie."

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