▪︎○ Nine ○▪︎

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Joel didn't say another word as he slammed the door shut with force behind Olivia, his palms resting against the cold wooden surface as Ellie went on about how guilty she felt for leaving Tess behind.

"Ellie..." Olivia warns whilst keeping her cautious gaze on Joel, concern ebbing away at her for the older man.

"We just left her to die!"

"Stop." Joel finally mutters lowly to the girl, his head still dipped down as gunshots ring out in the room next door. He turns on the spot to face the two, his gaze stern. "You two stay close to me. We need to move," he instructs.

Olivia nods in acknowledgement, her hand reaching out to interlace her fingers with Ellie's. Then, the two follow Joel up the large stairs and along a balcony overlooking the room they had left Tess in.

Olivia keeps her gaze ahead, pushing back the small part of her that wanted to look down below. She feared the sight she'd be faced with if she did give in and allow her gaze to drift, she truly didn't wish to see another friend surrounded by a puddle of their own crimson blood. She had enough of those images in her head to last a lifetime, she needn't add another.

"Joel, they're coming." Ellie says anxiously, her grip on Olivia's hand tightening as they rush through yet another room, making a short leap through a broken part of the building and into another section.

"I know," he mumbles with frustration.

"Where are we going, Joel?" Olivia asks impatiently, her own anxiety increasing at the sound of approaching footsteps.

"This way," he calls over his shoulder whilst picking up a rifle from a corpse that sat beside the next display room, a hole in the back of its skull.

They falter in their movements at the sound of voices close by, slowly ducking to hide behind the few clothed tables scattered around the large room. "Stay here," Olivia whispers to Ellie whilst nodding to Joel and sneaking in the opposite direction to him.

Silently they take out all six of the soldiers, either with an arrow to the head or a knife to the jugular. Then, when they are sure the area is clear, Olivia calls out to Ellie, instructing her to come out from behind the table.

"We have to keep moving," Olivia says breathlessly as Ellie wraps her fingers around Olivia's hand.

"Come on," Joel pants before running further along the corridor and jumping down the broken staircase to the lower floor once more - the girls trailing behind.

They rush into a room, opposite two narrow halls that are situated at either side. At the end of each stand at least a dozen armed soldiers, all pointing their gun ahead, blocking their only visible exit.

"Shit," Joel breathes out, throwing a short glance over his shoulder to check the girls were keeping up.

"Ellie," Olivia whispers whilst staring ahead. The teen looks up, her focus on the woman who has sworn to protect her. "Remember, do whatever it takes to protect yourself because they won't hesitate to do the same."

"Okay," Ellie nods.

Olivia smiles and without another word spoken, she pushes forward with Joel at her side. They draw their weapons - Olivia's bow and the rifle Joel had found - and with a deep breath, they begin taking out the soldiers.

"I got you now you little shit!" the unfamiliar male voice reaches Olivia's ears causing her to lose focus momentarily to turn her head in the direction it had come from.

She watches as a soldier grips Ellie from behind, their arm wrapping around the girls upper body, close to her face. She instinctively steps towards them only to have a fist suddenly collide with her jaw, knocking her back with a low hiss. She brings her hand up to the targeted area, her eyes narrowing at the soldier stood opposite her in a fighting stance, a sinister smirk on his lips.

Set Me Free ▪︎ Joel Miller ▪︎Where stories live. Discover now